Removal of City trees from Staunton Road ‘pocket parks’

The City Council’s Tree Officer has explained to us his reasons for removing two trees from Staunton Road ‘pocket parks’ adjacent to gardens in Sandfield Road.

We are removing two mature Lombardy poplar trees along the boundaries of 64 & 66 Sandfield Road. The trees are located on the boundaries between the park and the properties. I carried out further investigation with our legal department to determine that the trees are in fact under the ownership and responsibility of the city council.

The two trees are being removed because:

1-    They are fast growing with weak wood

2-    The trees have been pruned heavily historically

3-    They do not compartmentalise well and as a result decay forms very quickly on pruning points

4-    The resultant regrowth is now significant on decayed points potentially leading to failure from the crown

5-    The tree behind 64 has characteristics that suggest it has been hit by lightning previously

6-    The risk comes from crown failure and requires removal of the crown beneath existing wounds and pruning points

7-    Any pruning works under these points could lead to the death of the tree therefore requiring repeat visits to remove the cut stump or rapid fast growing regrowth forming weak unions on future decay points.

We have asked several times whether these trees will be replaced, or failing that, whether they can be replaced. We are still awaiting advice on this.

Westgate centre – facilities for the disabled

We have been following up concerns from residents who have mobility problems or other form of disability about facilities in the Westgate Centre and received the following information.

On the seating – we are constantly monitoring whether there is enough – there is a balance between comfortable space for moving around in and amount of seating. We have flexible seating made of moveable modules – sometimes there is some in storage if there are other things going on in the streets – sometimes we move it to where we receive feedback on where people would like to see it.

The number of lifts will not change now for obvious reasons– but we have been experiencing some difficulties in getting some of the lifts commissioned and operating smoothly since opening so we are working hard with the engineers to resolve this. Access consultants were involved in the number and position of lifts throughout the design development. There are lifts to all levels off Leiden Square at the very southern end, and off Middle Square where the centre becomes multi-level. There are also customer lift within the JLP store.

The Changing Places facility was accommodated exactly adjacent to the entrances to the customer toilets and now has a bin.

There are further customer toilets at the ground floor level through Westgate Social – including a disabled toilet. Signs have now been added to the glazing of Westgate Social. 

Disabled parking is not free at the Westgate car park – charges are the same for all users.

Latest planning decisions in Headington Ward

All have been permitted by officers using delegated powers.


Erection of single storey rear extension; loft conversion to include insertion of 1no. rooflight to front and dormer to rear. (Amended plan)

30 Windmill Road Oxford


Application to certify that the proposed single storey rear extension and insertion of 1no. window on side elevation is lawful development.

9 Gardiner Street Oxford


Erection of a single storey rear extension.

2 Wilberforce Street Oxford


Application to certify that the proposed conversion into two self contained flats, provision of cycle parking space and bin storage at ground floor level is lawful development.

122B London Road Headington


Erection of water tanks and 2m fence.

St Lukes Hospital Latimer Road


Demolition of existing outrigger. Erection of a two storey rear extension and formation of 1No. dormer to rear roof slope and insertion of 1No. rooflight to front roof slope to create 2 x 1-bed flats (Use Class C3) . Provision of bin and cycle store.

111 London Road Headington


Erection of single storey rear extension.

11 Bickerton Road Oxford

Construction and Traffic Management Plan for the Barracks development

At East Area Planning Committee, Ruth requested that members are alerted when the Construction and Traffic Management Plan and the Student Management Plan are received by planning officers.

The CTMP has now been received and you can find it here

Please note, it is not agreed or signed off by the planning officer yet.



Latest stats on parking infringements in Sandfield Road

We have been asked by residents to check how regularly the civil enforcement officers patrol in Sandfield Road. Here are the latest figures from the County Council.

The statistics for the last 6 months from 01/07/2017 to 18/01/2018 for Sandfield Rd are as follows:

  Visits – 723         

Vehicles Logged – 156      

Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) Issued – 42      

Vehicles driven away before a PCN has been issued – 5

There are some poor markings in some areas which make the enforcement of certain bays difficult, and these have been reported to Highways.

Regarding cars switching every two hours, seemingly what the drivers have been doing is swapping their vehicles around between free bays and moving before the parking period expires.  Unfortunately, as they are moving to a different marked free bay our CEO’s have to start their observation periods again. 

NSL has been requested to monitor the situation and increase patrols.

Up and coming events in Oxford

Anger as Headington shoppers face 47% increase in car park charge

Residents are protesting against proposals to increase the minimum charge for parking from £1.70 to £2.50 in the City Council-owned Headington and St Leonard’s Road Car Parks. Some have called this “A tax on Waitrose shoppers.”

Businesses are worried that this hike in charges will deter customers from shopping in Headington, and using its services and restaurants.

The proposals for increased car park charges were published in budget documents released for public consultation by Labour’s City Executive Board on 20th December. (1, 2)

Oxpens minimum parking charges are frozen as it competes with new Westgate parking facilities but suburban car parks face substantial rises.

The proposals are out for public comment until 28th January.

Altaf comments, “Many people are angry. The proposed rise in Headington’s 0-2 hour charge is much higher than in other City Council car parks. I am demanding that the Council withdraws this proposal and thinks again.”

Roz says, “I want to see Headington centre thriving, not priced out! The scale of the increase for 0-2 hours is outrageous. I am advising people to send in their objections to the City Council as soon as possible before the 28th January deadline, there is still time to get this changed.”

There are several ways in which the public can respond to the consultation:

  • Sign a petition at Headington Market from 10.00-12.00 on Sat 20 January, also available at various Headington shops including Monaco in Old High Street
  • Write comments down in a letter, mark it “Budget Consultation” and send it by 27th January to: Nigel Kennedy, Head of Financial Services, Oxford City Council, First floor St Aldate’s Chambers, OX1 1DS
  • Submit comments to the lengthy online consultation at

The Chief Executive will attend the next Headington Ward Focus meeting on Tuesday 30th January at the Headington Baptist Church, 98 Old High Street from 6:00-6:30pm


Source documents



Appendix 7 Fees and charges p130


How to book City Council sports pitches and facilities online

Oxford City Council is launching a new sports booking system called ‘Pitchbooking’ to allow sports clubs and members of the public to book City Council owned pitches and sport pavilions across Oxford.

The new online booking system, which opened in the New Year, allows users to find, book, and pay for access to sports facilities and pitches. Users will create their own account and will be able to manage their bookings online.

Sites which are available to be booked include:

  • Blackbird Leys Recreational Ground
  • Court Place Farm Recreational Ground
  • Cutteslowe Recreational Ground
  • Cowley Marsh Recreational Ground
  • Grandpont Recreational Ground
  • Horspath Sports Ground
  • Quarry Recreational Ground
  • Rose Hill Recreational Ground
  • Sandy Lane Recreational Ground
  • Union Street Astroturf

Pitch rates range from £45-£65 for adults, £17.50-£35 for under 17’s, and £14.20-£25 for under 11’s.

Users will also be able to use the booking system to rent out pavilions across Oxford for events such as parties, training courses and yoga classes at a cost of £18.70 per hour.

Pavilions available to be booked include:

  • Cutteslowe Lower Pavilion
  • Cutteslowe Top Pavilion
  • Grandpont Recreation Ground Pavilion
  • Horspath Sports Ground Pavilion

One of the City Council’s key objectives is to increase participation in sport to help tackle health inequalities across Oxford. Overall, adults in Oxford are healthier than the England average, with a 78% of adults being physically active.

To book a pitch, see a full list of locations, or to find out more information, please visit:

Latest information on Access to Headington phases in Headley Way and Windmill Road

We have gathered the following information  from discussions today with the County Cabinet Member and the project lead for A2H.

We understand that:

  • there is a shortfall regarding predicted cost of these phases and the cost quoted by Skanska
  • this means that the local Growth Board is being asked for more money at its next closed meeting on 1st February
  • it is possible that some of the elements of the Access to Headington scheme may have to be de-scoped (this means that they won’t be funded from the existing pot and will be dependent on funding from elsewhere if they happen at all).
  • at present, the Osler Road pedestrian crossing point has already been de-scoped but Skanska has been asked for a separate quote for this which is expected in March. We have asked for this to be included back in scope because we think it would be a major improvement for pedestrians, and had been hoping that it could be funded from money left over from the abandonment of other works near the ring road)
  • it appears that the 20 MPH limit for Windmill Road is separately funded so should go ahead, even if the alterations to Windmill Road are pared back or de-scoped
  • the County Council does not have to hold a statutory public consultation should any changes to the Access to Headington works be deemed necessary but the officer’s view is that there is a moral obligation for the County Council to consult residents once the options are agreed.
  • we asked for the A2H website to be updated, and this has now been done


We have informed the County Council that the condition of the JR roundabout is deteriorating and have asked this to be safety checked.

There is no correlation between any national media stories about Skanska and the quote for these works.