Energy pipe – more delays

Here is a copy of the latest press release from the OUH NHS Foundation Trust. There will be further delay while a full planning application covering all aspects of the project is prepared, and then the City Council will need to decide whether it needs an environmental impact assessment. It now seems unlikely to us that this application can be decided until June or later.


Following a meeting between Vital Energi and Planning officials at Oxford City Council today (17/03), Vital Energi has been asked to seek further professional planning advice to submit one planning application which covers the Energy Link pipeline as well as related work on both hospitals sites (such as the modifications to the Energy Centres and work on Churchill Drive).

They also discussed changing part of the route of the pipeline to take the Energy Link pipeline east at All Saints Road to proceed south along Lime Walk to the Churchill Hospital as shown in the maps below. Accordingly, the application will include two different proposed routes for consideration.

Vital Energi’s considerations when proposing this alternative section of route are:

  1. Lime Walk is wider than Stapleton Road so it will not need to be closed. Instead, temporary traffic lights will be used to enable traffic to flow in both directions. This will reduce the traffic displaced by road closures and addresses residents’ concerns that, under the original route proposed, Lime Walk may have become a ‘rat run’ for displaced traffic.
  2. It reduces amount of time Vital Energi will be working on Old Road.
  3. By keeping Lime Walk and Stapleton Road open and reducing the time spent on Old Road, this option addresses some concerns about potential traffic disruption.

Vital Energi will seek further planning advice and aims to submit the single master Planning Application for the Hospital Energy Project for consideration at the Eastern Area Planning Committee in June.

Mark Neal, Head of Estates of Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “The Hospital Energy Project is essential for our Trust as it safeguards our energy and heating at the JR and Churchill hospitals for the next 25 years. In addition to guaranteed savings on our heating and energy bills, once this new energy and heating system is up and running, we will have reliable modern heating and cooling systems in both hospitals for the first time in many years.

“Equally importantly, we will cut our carbon emissions by 35%, making the single biggest contribution to cleaner air in Headington to date. We know that the work on laying the Energy Link is going to cause disruption for people along the route (whichever route is chosen) and we are extremely grateful for the support, co-operation and understanding of the greater benefits for patients that we have had from many residents so far. Both the Trust and Vital Energi are committed to engaging with the public on the Hospital Energy Project, which solely aims to improve patient environments in a sustainable and financially viable way, and we look forward to our discussions with them.”

Option 1 of the Energy Link Route:

access 1

Option 2 of the Energy Link Route:


We are delighted that Jo Lennon, the Trust’s Community Liaison Officer, has agreed to attend our next Ward Focus Meeting on Tuesday 29th March at 6:00 pm at the NOC Lecture Theatre to answer any questions residents may have.

Temporary Traffic Orders for energy pipe works

Here is the wording of the TTRO:



Section 14(1) & (7)

Notice of Temporary Traffic Order Oxford, Various Roads Headington Temporary Traffic Prohibitions

Date of Order: 29 December 2015 Comes into force: 4 January 2016

This Order is being introduced because of works to install ducting for a hot water steam system, communications and high voltage electricity for a joint hospitals energy link – which is anticipated to take variously until the end of June 2016 to complete. The effect of the Order, when appropriate traffic signs are displayed is to temporarily prohibit parking/waiting and to close to traffic various sections of road and junctions as follows, and the works to progress as shown below:

Closures                                           Dates             Diversion

All Saints Road Between Latimer Road andStapleton RoadLatimer Road from

All Saints Road for approximately 15 metres north-westward

Stapleton Road from

All Saints Road for approximately 15 Metres

Monday 4 to Sunday 17 January To access Stapleton Road:All Saint Road, Lime Walk, Old Road and vice versaTo access Latimer Road:

All Saints Road, Lime Walk, A420 London Road and vice versa

To access All Saints Road (West):

All Saints Road, Lime Walk, Old Road. Bickerton Road and vice versa

Stapleton Road – Entire length progressively in stages north to south between All Saints Road and Old Road Monday 11 January to Tuesday 15 March All Saints Road, Lime Walk, Old Road, Bickerton Road  and vice versa
Latimer Road – Phase 1.Between A420 London Road and Latimer GrangePhase 2. Between Latimer Grange and All Saints Road Monday 21 March to Thursday 30 June A420 London Road, Lime Walk, All Saints Road and vice versa for both Phases
Sandfield Road –North to south in three phases: Phase 1. Between Woodlands Road and Beech Road Monday 1 February to Tuesday 22 April Sandfield Road, A420 London Road, Headley Way, Woodlands Road and vice versa
Phase 2. Between Beech Road and the southeast property line of No.1 Sandfield RoadPhase 3. Between the Southeast property line of No 1 Sandfield Road and the junction withA420 London Road As above when appropriate traffic signs are use A420 London Road, Headley Way, Woodlands Road, Sandfield Road and vice versa.


All Resident Permit Parking, Shared Parking, Disabled Parking and other Restricted Time Parking Bays at the following locations on both sides of the road and footway will be suspended when shown by appropriate traffic signs and cones. As the works progress parking bays will be made available.

Parking Prohibitions                                                         Dates

All Saints Road – Between Latimer Road and Stapleton RoadLatimer Road – from All Saints Road for approximately 15 metresStapleton Road – from All Saints Road for approximately 15 Metres


Monday 4 to Sunday 17 January 2016
Stapleton Road – Entire length progressively in stages north to south betweenAll Saints Road and Old Road Monday 11 January to Tuesday 15 March 2016
Latimer Road Phase 1.Between A420 London Road and Latimer GrangePhase 2. Between Latimer Grange and

All Saints Road

Monday 21 March to Thursday 30 June 2016
Sandfield Road – Progressively north to southPhase 1. Woodlands Road to Beech Road Monday 1 February to Tuesday 22 April 2016
Phase 2. Between Beech Road and the southeast property line of No.1 Sandfield RoadPhase 3. Between the southeast property line of No.1 Sandfield Road and junction with A420 London Road As above when appropriate traffic signs are use

Exemptions are included for emergency services, the works and essential access.

This Order will remain in force for a maximum period of 18 months or until the works have been completed whichever is the sooner.

The relevant parts of the following Traffic Regulation Orders (as amended) will be temporarily suspended as required for the duration of the works: The Oxfordshire County Council (Headington West) (Controlled Parking Zone) Order 2000;The Oxfordshire County Council (Headington Central) (Controlled Parking Zone and Various Restrictions) Order 2005;The Oxfordshire County Council (Disabled Persons Parking Places – Oxford) Order 2010.

Traffic Regulations Team (Ref. ACP/T3091/T3092/T3093/T3094) for the Director for Environment & Economy, Speedwell House, Oxford OX1 1NE. 0845 310 1111.

There are maps of the road closure areas in .pdf form, please click on the required link to view and please credit Headington Lib Dems if you will use this information in any social media message

001 All Saints Road Part 1 002 All Saints Road Part 2 007 Latimer Road Part 1 008 Latimer Road Part 1 019 Stapleton Road Sandfield Rd Part 1 (2) Sandfield Rd part 2 (2) Sandfield Rd part 3


Trust apologises for poor comms with residents over energy project

Last night’s public meeting was well attended with over 100 people turning up.

Residents received an apology for the lateness of the communication.

All residents were given the opportunity to ask questions of the speakers who were from the Hospitals’ Trust and from the contractor, Vital Energi.

There appears to be a further delay in responding to residents because the project team at the Trust has a vacant post to fill, but residents and councillors stressed the need to have much more detailed information as quickly as possible.

The Trust has stated that residents in affected areas will be notified by letter at least two weeks in advance of work starting in their area.

The speakers agreed to hold regular meetings with a residents liaison group and we are setting dates for this today

If anyone wishes to join this residents and contractors liaison group, please let Ruth or Roz know

Your Councillors are working on the following issues:

  • set dates for liaison meetings before Christmas
  • ask the County Council for assistance with temporary relaxation of parking on DYLs or ask if temporary resident parking permits can be issued while works are ongoing in closed off roads
  • enquire who is liable for damage caused to cars parked on street rather than off road in terms of insurance claims, also whether residents need to inform their insurance companies that this change of arrangements is being made and whether this request would incur a charge
  • investigate arrangements for disability access while works are happening outside the property
  • ask the Trust and Vital for a copy of the impact assessment made prior to the works
  • liaising with the Trust’s energy team on financial information supporting the project

Oxford Brookes University has offered to make parking space available for residents overnight at Headington Hill Campus.

120m of trench will be open at any one time. Each section of works will be fenced off, dug, the pipes will be welded together in 12m lengths and laid in the trench with the cable, the trench will be closed and backfilled, then onto the next section

There are plans to keep a disabled parking pick up point available at the end of the trench, and a turning point there is also being considered.

Emergency vehicles will be given access at all times. Refuse collections will continue but earlier than usual, and residents should move their bins to the gate by 7am for collection.

Works will be carried out between 8am and 5.30 pm. Contractor parking is confined to the hospital compounds.

Issues and problems should be reported to the following contacts, preferable accompanied with a photo:

01865 220600

@ouh_estates #energy

copy to Roz, Ruth and Altaf (see contact details above)

.pdf maps of road closures will be posted on this site later today

Public meeting about the hospitals’ energy project


Wednesday 9 December

7:00-9:00 pm

All Saints Church House, New High Street, OX3 7AL

​Works are due to start on trench digging in residential roads from 4th January but there has been an embargo on communications until the press launch earlier this week.​

We know our residents are worried because they don’t know what’s going to happen or when, and there will be a number of road closures during which no through traffic will be allowed, although footpaths will still be accessible.

We are pleased to say that reps from both the hospitals’ trust and the contractors have agreed to come along and answer questions from the public, so it should be a very lively meeting

The Trust has published answers to our residents’ list of questions on their website

We are sorry there hasn’t been much notice of this meeting but we want to hold it as soon as possible given the levels of anxiety shown at last week’s Ward Focus meeting


Road closures latest (hospital energy project)

As you know, councillors were very concerned that a number of major roads would be closed at the same time during the energy project works.

County Cllr Roz Smith took up cudgels on our behalf and has received the following welcome news from the County Council:

After discussing at length  there will not be two sets of traffic lights at the same time on Old rd and London rd, however to avoid using three way lights on London rd we will use two way lights when Latimer Road is closed. We have been in contact and had meetings with Vital Energi (contractors for the project) and we are in contact with them on daily basis.

Twenty questions for the energy pipe press launch tomorrow

Here is our latest list of questions sent in by residents


  1. What are the working hours? Will it include weekend working? On what dates will be the work be in my area?
  2. If work starts at either end simultaneously, will Old Rd and London Rd be affected at the same time? Will whole roads be closed either end?

How does it work?

  1. Can they explain the technology? How much carbon reduction do they intend to achieve?at what cost? and cost/ ton? What is the benchmark above which it becomes unaffordable? if the planners are considering all aspects of carbon reduction then consideration should also be given to the manufacture of the steel tubing, (China?) fittings, and insulation plus the cost of storage and transport to site, storage, reloading onto vehicles to the various sections of the site during the installation. The fuel used in excavation vehicles, back filling and testing plus the non green effect of the traffic congestion that will occur throughout Headington throughout the contract period.
  2. How large will the trench be and what about all the other cables, drains, sewage. Size of pipes too
  3. Is it steam or water? If it leaks under high pressure, would this damage road and paths?

Extent of the disruption

  1. How will noise and dust be controlled?
  2. Will pedestrian access along streets be affected?
  3. How will highways and footpaths be kept clean?
  4. Can we see the detailed construction plan?
  5. Can we have our pavements and footpaths resurfaced following the work? What quid pro quo can we obtain for all the disturbance?
  6. Protection of trees? In Stapleton Road for example the line is very close to the kerb so difficult to see how trees can be protected?
  7. What are the arrangements for emergency vehicles?
  8. Will refuse collections operate as normal?


  1. What arrangements for parking for contractors’ vehicles?
  2. What alternative car parking arrangements will be made for residents who may be unable to park near their house/in their drives while the work is in their street?

Communications strategy

16 Why hold a press launch – there could only be 4 or 5 press outfits interested, and why not have arranged to meet community groups already?

17 Have commercial and institutional organisations been informed? e.g. Taxi companies, delivery vehicles to/from main shops e.g. Blanchfords,  Online grocery providers, Mace on  ORC, Brookes, particularly re arrival at start of Semester 2 (NB  at Ward Focus  it transpired that Manager of Stagecoach  was not aware )

18 Have the emergency services even been informed?

Consultation with residents

19 Can we have a liaison group comprising residents reps, councillors and the contractors to meet regularly throughout the project do deal with residents issues and various construction contingences? This worked well during the Brookes JHB project.


20 Who will enforce the agreed working arrangements? What are the statutory controls – as opposed to the contractual conditions?