The appeal against the following planning refusal was dismissed.
Erection of a single storey rear extension
9 Sandfield Road
For more details, please contact Altaf or Ruth.
The appeal against the following planning refusal was dismissed.
Erection of a single storey rear extension
9 Sandfield Road
For more details, please contact Altaf or Ruth.
We can report good news to those at Tuesday’s ward focus meeting. Disabled spaces have now been planned for HH Park and are being discussed by the Friends of the Park shortly.
You asked us to find out how to report non-disabled drivers who park in blue badge spaces in the little car park near Bury Knowle Library off North Place.
We are advised by the City Council that you should inform Parks either by emailing them at or by phoning them on 01865 252240
See below for the advice received by the City Council.
You are correct in assuming that we have no enforcement powers as there is not a traffic order in place.
Most individuals won’t park in a disabled bay, however, if some individuals do it would be good to know about it as we could leave notices on the offending cars. This may remind them not to do it in the future.
We have just been advised that the traffic regulation order (TRO) to accommodate the parking slots and lining of Latimer Road outside Beech House will need to be amended to match up with the slightly changed access points constructed during the build. The reason that the two don’t match up is that technical difficulties were encountered – unexpected infrastructure below the road surface meant that changes had to be made.
This matter has been referred back to the Traffic Regulation Order team at the County Council – if the construction company paints in lines according to the current TRO, they won’t work.
Ward councillors are just as frustrated as residents about all this. We shall now push the County TRO team for more information, but it looks as though a further consultation will be needed before the TRO can be amended. Hopefully this won’t be a wide area consultation but it will still mean further delay. We shall let people know more as we get more information.
Here is some advice from Thames Valley Police
Help keep your children safe online
The internet is a fantastic place for young people to learn, play and socialise but it’s vital that they’re aware of its dangers and how to stay safe.
Here’s a few tips to help your child stay safe online:
If you need help setting up parental controls, adjusting privacy settings or need advice on social networks call the free O2 & NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5002.
If you fall victim to cyber crime or experience an attempted scam report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or visit
For more information and advice visit
We’re advised of the following by Oxford City Council:
Site Address: 29 Old High Street, Headington
Appeal Reference: APP/G3110/X/17/3191929
Mr Young has appealed against refusal of planning permission issued by the Council for the application to certify that Proposed sub-division of existing house to form 2x 2-bed flats and erection of x3 dwellings to create a 2x 2-bed flat and 1x 1-bed flat is lawful (planning reference 17/02576/CPU).
This appeal will be decided by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State at a public inquiry, date to be determined.
Those who sent in comments during the initial consultation period have until 5th April to amend or withdraw those comments, or to submit new or additional comments, copies of which will be sent to the appellant and the Inspector.
In 2020 the City will have a new set of ward boundaries and work has been underway on this at the Town Hall. Boundaries need to be re-drawn as the population pattern changes and new housing developments are built.
Here is the latest information received. Each phase has been delayed slightly so the “New” column is the one to note.
Old | New | |
Warding patterns consultation ends | 19 March 2018 | 2 April 2018 |
Draft recs consultation starts | 8 May 2018 | 5 June 2018 |
Draft recs consultation ends | 16 July 2018 | 13 August 2018 |
Final recs published | 4 September 2018 | 2 October 2018 |
Implementation | May 2020 | May 2020 |
There are plans to raise the roof in Staunton Road! Two of the latest planning applications have been referred to us by residents for potential call-in. There are sizeable applications on properties in Headley Way among others. Please click on planning applications tab above for more details.
Instructions on how to recycle cooking oil are now on the City Council’s website along with other helpful recycling tips.