Bury Knowle Park toilets – latest info

Here is the latest information we have on the toilets re-furb at Bury Knowle Park from the City Council. We have asked for much better communication in future.

Please accept my apologies for not letting you know we were planning on doing some improvements to the toilets at Bury Knowle Park.

I am sure you are aware that the toilets are very well used, also they do suffer from mindless vandalism which we do our best to keep on top of, so much so that we did get an award from the Loo of the year award for the last 2 years.

We had noticed that the doors are damaged, a few missing toilet roll holders and also the flooring was damaged and had started to become a tripping hazard.

With this in mind, we put an order through to our flooring contractors and asked that they looked at the flooring and made arrangements to get the repairs completed ASAP for safety reasons, also to assist in getting the spend in this financial year.

They were asked to keep 50% of the toilets open whilst they undertook the work, which is what they did try to do, but for a couple of days the 50% they took out only left 2 and the disabled because the other 3 were vandalised and also awaiting other repairs.

I went and had a look yesterday, the signage certainly can be improved and will be when we start to get 7 new doors fitted in the near future; also a lesson learnt that as and when we take out facilities rather than just a sign saying out of order – we should give more appropriate information – plus let local councillors know we are doing this.

The flooring will be completed in the next couple of days, we will still have 3 toilets out of action due to the doors needing replacing, but everything else will be open and fit for purpose.

We have also exchanged the 2 metal signs on the outside of the building as the old ones were damaged due to the amount of time we have had to remove graffiti of them, so numbers are now available so members of the public can get hold of us easier.

Road surface repairs in Woodlands Road start Thursday 22nd March

Residents living in and around Woodlands Road have asked us to request road repairs for some considerable time, but these have not been assigned sufficient priority to rise to the top of the list. This was one of the most frequent complaints we logged in our recent street surveys in the area.

We’re pleased to tell you that Woodlands Road will be patched from tomorrow 22nd March. We have had to fund this from a number of different pots – the Headington Ward budget/CIL allocation, funding from Vital Energi’s community contribution, and the City Council’s Highways Engineering budget. Work to complete both sides of Headley Way is likely to take more than 5 days so it’s quite a big job. We’re glad the work is being done before the Access to Headington works re-start in earnest!

Latest on Access to Headington

We have just received this information from the County Council.

You will all no doubt be aware the Oxfordshire Growth Board announced the Year 1 growth project allocations yesterday and A2H received the full monies asked for. The announcement came a week earlier than we were expecting, it means that the Headley Way works will be continuing as originally scoped. 

I will update you with more information when I have it but the intention will be to start the Headley Way works after Easter, an Easter start would then have the programme running to Christmas 2018 (weather permitting). We will start at the Marsh Lane roundabouts as per our original programme but the programme at the JR access will be changed as we’ve managed to do some early works in advance that should reduce the disruption there.

As before, we will be undertaking a pre-construction exhibition at a location/time TBC.

The funding announcement also allows us to reintroduce elements of the work that were removed from scope including the pedestrian crossing on London Road at the Osler Road bus gate. A plan is attached showing the proposals for your information.  The proposals differ from the originals in the following way:

  • Original provision showed a toucan crossing incorporating the bus gate, after developing the design further it was determined that a controlled crossing could not be delivered safely.
  • Alternatives were considered, including a zebra, which had similar safety concerns.
  • The best alternative was to provide an uncontrolled crossing, incorporating a build out to shorten the crossing and providing a refuge in the middle of the road
  • There remains a broad local support for pedestrian provision in this location but bus companies are understandably concerned that the changes may affect the level of bus priority they receive with this latest proposal and we’re engaging with them to mitigate their concerns.

We will be looking to start the work as soon as possible, taking advantage of the Easter holidays if at all possible. It’s envisaged that the work would take 6-8 weeks given the site constraints.  We will be publicly advertising the attached shortly and will advise of the programme of works and TM phasing once approved by network management.

We are checking that works to trees can be done at this time, bearing in mind that this is the start of the nesting season.

Trades vans obstructing pavements

We have followed up on this following your complaints at your last ward focus meeting.

County Parking tell us:

Vehicles contravening the restrictions can be reported by residents directly to NSL Services and wherever possible they will send an officer immediately to the location. (0845 337 1138 option 3)

Actual obstruction of the highway still remains under Thames Valley Police and vehicles can be reported via the non-emergency 101 telephone number. If it is a regular occurrence residents could bring the matter to the attention of their local PCSO who can keep an eye on the situation-that would be the best bet!

Change in ward boundaries

A cross-party working group has agreed a joint response with the City Council officer to the Boundary Commission in respect of changes needed in ward boundaries to accommodate shifting population across the City.

The map of the ward boundaries proposed to the City’s executive board can be found below. The Boundary Commission will consider it along with responses from other consultees and there will be a consultation on the draft recommendations over the summer. Changes would be implemented in May 2020.

In this proposal, Headington Ward’s eastern boundary would extend further along the northern side of London Road, which we are very pleased about! This would make it one of the largest wards in the City in terms of population served.

Proposed ward boundary map

Dog fouling in the Highfield and New Headington area

Following a number of street survey responses reporting an increase in dog fouling, we have asked city council officers to take action. They inform us that they will visit New High Street, All Saints Road, the whole of Lime Walk and Old Road and undertake to:

·       Patrol this area for some few weeks at random times in high viz.

·       Fix some dog fouling signs.

·       Put up some no dog fouling stickers on lampposts around the area

·       Carry out some random door knocks in relation to this matter.

Streetletters will also go out in Franklin Road and surrounding area as we are aware of similar problems there.

Council launches new local business guide and interactive online service to support businesses

The City Council has launched its 2017-2019 Oxford Business Guide, which showcases the city’s economic strengths, growth opportunities, and range of services designed to support business.

Produced in partnership with Burrows Communication, the guide is in hard copy and also in interactive digital format, and supports business with local regulatory functions, through to business networks and advice.

The accompanying ‘It’s Local’ Oxford online service provides an interactive listing of local businesses and organisations that provide services to business and consumers right across the city. All businesses are encouraged to sign up to ‘It’s Local Oxford, and add their free company profile.

The Oxford Business Guide e-book can be accessed here: www.itslocaloxford.co.uk/oxford/desktop/flip/index.html

‘It’s Local’ Oxford: www.itslocaloxford.co.uk

Forthcoming events in Oxford

  • Wednesday 14 March, Illegal Tobacco – Keep it Out Awareness Event, Bonn Square,  9.30 am to 3.30 pm. As part of No Smoking Day, Oxfordshire County Council Trading Standards will bring their Illegal Tobacco Crime Unit to Bonn Square to give out information about the dangers of illegal tobacco.
  • Monday 19 March, Clean Green Roadshow, Manzil Way Gardens, 10.30 am to 4 pm. The Recycling Team will engage with local residents regarding Oxford City Council’s waste, cleansing and enforcement services.
  • Saturday 24 March, Oxford Bus Museum Twilight Vintage Bus Day, Bonn Square, 12 pm to 6 pm. The Oxford Bus Museum is bringing one of their vintage buses and will also provide free vintage bus trips around Oxford city centre in the evening.
  • Saturday 31 March to Monday 2 April, Hebborns Easter Fun Fair, South Park, 1 pm to 10 pm. Family fun fair with a short fireworks display on Saturday (8.30 pm).
  • Tuesday 10 to Friday 13 April, Dogs Trust Promotion, Bonn Square, 9 am to 5 pm. Find out how you can support the charity!
  • Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 April, Oxford Arts Market, Broad Street, 9 am to 5.30 pm (Saturday) and 10 am to 4.30 pm (Sunday). Annual arts market that gives local artists and craft makers the opportunity to sell their products.
  • Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 April, Folk Weekend Oxford, various locations in the city centre, 10 am to 4 pm. Morris dance teams are performing in spots around the city centre.
  • Saturday 28 April, Oxford Maths Festival, Bonn Square, 11 am to 4 pm. Find out more about how exciting maths can be with a series of stalls with mathematical curiosities, games and demonstrations.
  • Saturday 28 April, Saturday Series – Orienteering Event, Shotover Country Park, 10 am to 1 pm. Orienteering event organised by the Thames Valley Orienteering Club.

Planning decisions for Headington Ward

Unusually there has only been one permission granted in the last four weeks.


Formation of dropped kerb and alterations to garden to form off street parking.

56 Windmill Road Oxford


Formation of dropped kerb and alterations to garden to form off street parking.

54 Windmill Road Oxford


Refurbishment and enlargement of existing conservatory (retrospective). (Amended plan)

77 Langley Close Oxford

18/00002/CPU REFUSED

Application to certify that the proposed formation of a single storey outbuilding is lawful development.

33 Perrin Street Oxford