Breaking. Night-time road closures in central Headington from 9/5/18

Signs have gone up to say that London Road closed for 3 nights 20:00 – 05:00 starting 9/5/18 between Headington traffic lights and the petrol station. Here is our latest information from the County’s Access to Headington team.

Stephen Road access will be maintained but from the Windmill Road direction only.

Windmill Road/London Road will be gated and manned for local access.

Access to the petrol garage will be maintained until 11pm.


A&E/Emergency Services

Blue lighters aware inc. SCAS and JR – signed via bypass


Through  traffic

Eastbound London Road: Diverted via Headley Way

Westbound London Road: Diverted via bypass


Local traffic

Lime Walk: Access via Old Road (or other local road)

New High Street: We’ve cancelled the one way so will be accessed from Bateman Street

Osler Road: Access via St Andrew’s Road

Kennet Road: Access via London Road as normal (through gated closure)

Stephen Road: Access via London Road as normal (through gated closure)

Questions asked in Council on dockless bikes

Following up enquiries and complaints from residents, the Lib Dem opposition group asked the following questions in Full Council and we include the responses from the City Executive Board member responsible.

Can the Board Member advise how many dockless bikes are now standing on the streets of Oxford, and whether any more are to be licensed?

There is no upper limit in the Oxford Code of Conduct. Is one being introduced?


Local authorities have no powers to license schemes, or to set enforceable upper limitsthrough such schemes. However all the operators in Oxford have adhered to the voluntary Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is under constant review, including whether an upper limit should be introduced. As the schemes expand their geographic coverage, more bikes will be required, but will be spread over a much larger area. Each time one of the three firms currently operating in Oxford has wanted to increase the number of bikes in their scheme they have consulted with the City Council as part of the ongoing dialogue between the companies, the City Council and the County Council.


Brilliantly coloured dockless bikes are becoming an eyesore on the streets of Oxford. What progress is being made in finding cycling stations where they can be stored?


The point of dockless bikes is that that they do not have docking stations. The companies use incentives within their apps to encourage their customers to leave bikes parked appropriately. Several private landowners have agreements with the operators for bikes to be placed on their land.


Dockless bikes are accessed by an app which requires credit card details. They are equipped with satnavs which permanently record bike trips. How is this information used? How is it monetised? Are people aware of how their information can be used e.g. passed on to marketing companies?


Data collected by private companies is subject to appropriate laws. The City Council is not privy to the contractual relationship between the companies running these schemes and their customers, in the same way that it is not privy to the contractual relationship between Oxford’s bus operators and their customers.

Dockless bikes – Questions and Answers

Many residents are asking us questions about dockless bikes and objecting to seeing these ‘dumped’ in hedges, on open green space and in residential roads. Here is some information that may help.

Who has responsibility for removing them?

The bike companies – click on the code of conduct agreed by the bike companies and the Council to learn more.

Do companies patrol the area of Old Road? 

I don’t believe any patrols take place outside of the city centre. Each bike has a GPS tracker and can be identified in that way, everyday each company go and collect the bikes picked up on their computer systems.

If so, how regularly and what is the time frame for collection? 

The majority of bikes are moved within 24 hours, this can take longer if bikes are taken outside of the city boundary.

Should residents of Highfield be moving bikes to Old Road for collection, or leave them in our road?

Leave bikes anywhere (as long as not causing a nuisance) and the companies will find them via the GPS.

Do Direct Services have any other advice for residents? 

There are contact details for each company on our website, I would encourage issues to be reported, either direct to the companies, or to City Highways at

Headington Lib Dems celebrate local election successes

Ruth, Altaf and Roz are pictured above after the votes were counted for Headington Ward last night, we’re not sure who was the most exhausted after Election Day!

Altaf was re-elected with a huge majority, and later in the evening Roz learned that she had won a seat from Labour in Quarry and Risinghurst. (photo below courtesy of the Oxford Mail). This means Roz is now both the County Councillor for Headington and Quarry, and the City Councillor for Quarry and Risinghurst.

There was another very encouraging result for the Lib Dems in Headington Hill and Northway where our new candidate Guy Garden beat off the Conservatives to gain a creditable second place.

Altaf says, “I am deeply grateful to the people of Headington for their support and I will do my best to represent them and take action on their concerns.”

Please click on the link to see the results of the local elections held yesterday. The Green Party retained only two seats of the four they had previously held so Labour’s majority has increased by one overall.

Appeal after woman was assaulted on Headington Hill

Thames Valley Police is appealing for witnesses after a woman was assaulted in Oxford. The incident happened on Headington Hill footpath near the bridge at 1am today (24/4).

The victim, a 25-year-old woman, was approached by a man who assaulted her.
The victim sustained facial injuries including a broken nose and was taken to the John Radcliffe Hospital for treatment.

The offender is described as black, in his mid-twenties and slim. He was wearing a grey tracksuit.

Investigating officer PC Christopher Tack, based at St Aldates Police Station, said: “This was an unprovoked assault which resulted in the victim requiring medical treatment.

“I would like to appeal to anyone who may have witnessed this assault or has any information to contact Thames Valley Police non-emergency telephone number, on 101, quoting reference 43180122135. Alternatively they can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

The press release can be found here:

Up and coming events

  • Saturday 28 April, Oxford Maths Festival, Bonn Square, 11 am to 4 pm. Find out more about how exciting maths can be with a series of stalls featuring mathematical curiosities, games and demonstrations.
  • Saturday 28 April, Saturday Series – Orienteering Event, Shotover Country Park, 10 am to 1 pm. Orienteering event organised by the Thames Valley Orienteering Club.
  • Saturday 28 April, British Universities Orienteering Championships, Shotover Country Park, 10 am to 1 pm. Orienteering event organised by Oxford University Orienteering Club.
  • Saturday 28 April at 6.30pm at All Saints’ Church, Headington. The Akureyri Choir from Iceland will be performing a wonderful selection of music. The concert is FREE with a retiring collection for the Footsteps Foundation, based in Dorchester, a charity which provides support for children with disabilities.The programme of choral gems includes excerpts from Rossini’s ‘La Petite Messe Solennelle’, Samuel Wesley’s ‘Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace’, the African American Spiritual ‘Deep River’ and a selection of music by Icelandic composers.
  • Wednesday 2 May to Friday 4 May, Riverford Organic Farmers – Veg Box Promotion, Bonn Square, 9 am to 5 pm. Riverford staff members will talk to members of the public about their organic veg box delivery service.
  • Thursday 3 May, Jewish Cultural Fair, Broad Street (bollarded end), 12 pm to 5 pm. Annual outdoor fair that celebrates the rich diversity of Jewish culture in Oxford through food, books, art, music, history exhibition and other activities for all ages.
  • Monday 7 and 21 May, Sri Chinmoy Races, Cutteslowe Park, 7 pm to 7.30 pm. Annual three mile running race around Peace Mile at Cutteslowe Park.
  • Saturday 12 May, MOSAIC – Indonesian Cultural Exhibition, Bonn Square, 11 am to 6 pm. Event with lots of hands on experience for visitors related to Indonesia’s diverse and rich culture, such as batik making, wayang making, dance workshops and gamelan. There will also be Indonesian dance, food and more.
  • Sunday 13 May, Town & Gown, city centre, 10 am to 12 pm. Annual 10 km charity road race around the city centre. The race village will be located at University Parks.
  • Sunday 13 May, British Heart Foundation London to Oxford Trek, finishing at Oxpens Rec. 100 km trek, where walkers raise money for the British Heart Foundation.

Osler Road planning application called into Committee

Planning application ref no. 18/00688/FUL at 20 Osler Road has been called in for decision by East Area Planning Committee.

Demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of 2 x semi-detached 4-bed dwellings (Use Class C3). Provision of four off street parking spaces, private amenity space and bin stores and cycle stores.

It is one of two applications for development on adjacent sites. The application for development on the next door site at number 18 is still out for consultation till May 11th. Both developments may also impact on properties in Stephen Road.

Latest planning decisions

The application for an extension in Stapleton Road has been given delegated consent but there was a split decision on an application for a certificate of lawfulness for proposed use on a property in York Road.

Please find details below.



Erection of a single storey rear extension.

8 Stapleton Road Oxford


18/00287/CPU  SPLIT

Hip to gable alteration, rear dormer and rooflights.

Single storey rear extension.

11 York Road Oxford

Tackling Headington’s dog fouling problem

Dog fouling is definitely on the increase according to the responses to our street surveys. Together with the City Council there is to be a new initiative in the area as detailed below. Before anyone asks, yes we are aware of dog fouling in other areas too (and particularly in New Headington) but this is a good start. We are not publishing dates and times for obvious reasons!

There will be three operations focusing on three hot spot areas.

  • Margaret Road Recreation Ground and surrounding Streets.
  • Franklin Road and Surrounding Streets
  • Pitts Road and Surrounding Streets

The operation will include carrying out enforcement action, updating the area with the PSPO enforcement information and hand delivering educational letters to local residents to areas that overlook green space areas.  

This will be a high visibility operation.