The planning application for the Headington energy pipe was received by the City Council today. Once the documents are checked and validated, there will be a three week period for residents to send in their comments.
Works to Bury Knowle House
The City Council is implementing a programme of works at BK House.
The worn treads of the steps are being replaced due to them being a trip hazard, particularly in frosty weather. They are going to be replaced like for like and will be done one set at a time. The City’s conservation officer has been involved and it appears that planning permission is not required. There is no removal of steps and the work is due to commence in March.
Scaffolding will be erected to the front of the property next week for repairs to the front elevation and front pediment. The existing works to the roof are nearing completion.
Roads re-open in Highfield
All Saints Road, Bickerton Road and Latimer Road are now open to through traffic, pending the submission of a planning application by the contractors Vital Energi to Oxford City Council.
A temporary road surface has been tarmacked across the top of the filled in trench as an interim measure. When the pipe is laid and the road surface is reinstated after the works, the finish will be of a much higher standard.
The City Council hopes to receive the planning application and supporting documents early next week.
Thanks to all residents for your forbearance while this is sorted out.
Update on the trench!
The Oxford Universities Hospitals’ NHS Foundation Trust has issued this statement on its blog tonight.
Date posted: 07/01/2016
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has been informed by partner contractors, Vital Energi that they have decided to temporarily suspend work on the energy pipeline, while they clarify their planning requirements.
The public road, where initial digging has taken place, is being reinstated with a temporary road surface as requested by Oxfordshire County Council in case of work being suspended.
Both the Trust and Vital Energi continue to follow the due processes of approval as outlined by the relevant authorities.
Work on the important energy efficiency and cost saving project will continue within the grounds of the John Radcliffe and Churchill hospitals sites.
It’s good to know that work on the project will continue elsewhere while the planning issues get resolved.
County instruction to energy pipe contractors
The Strategic Manager for the County Highway Network has contacted us with the following news.
In answer to your email I am writing to let you know that we have written to VitalEnergi this morning with an instruction to leave the site, fill the dug up trench and reinstate the road with the temporary surface IF they cannot guarantee that they will be in a position to restart their work tomorrow. If VitalEnergi are planning to restart tomorrow there is no action needed and the work and closures and suspensions continue as now.
In case they cannot guarantee tomorrows’ return and the road is reinstated and opened, TTRO is not going to be suspended and access will be available. There is no need for suspension of the TTRO nor for Parking Notices as the Order is valid for the period of 18 moths from the start date and is worded in such way that the parking suspension can be implemented as the work progresses. What it means in practice is that the work can commence and finish within this period as long as it will not go beyond 18 month deadline. If it does the promoter of the works must apply for the extension to the TTRO.
With regard to parking in the event of work not continuing, the suspension signs will stay in place but the County will not enforce the suspension on any resident parked in the bays with cars displaying valid permit. Change to the information on the actual suspension sign will be made when work starts again and if an extension of the suspension is required. If however the works will not be restarting within the initial parking suspension time period, as currently shown on the signs, we will then remove all signage and a new application for parking suspension will be required.
PLEASE NOTE If Vital Energi restart their work tomorrow there will be no change to the current situation
For information, the Trust’s position is that this is a matter for the contractor and the local planning authority to sort out.
The City Council’s Planning Dept has written to the contractors explaining what information will be needed if/when a retrospective planning application is made.
Energy link work suspended temporarily
Here is a press release which was sent to us by Vital Energi this evening
“We have received correspondence from the Local Planning Authority of Oxford City Council regarding the energy link which we are currently investigating further. Works associated with the energy link underground utility services and the formation of the service trench have been suspended whilst discussions with the Local Planning Authority continue. We will continue to work closely with Oxford University Hospitals Trust, the Local Planning Authority, Residents and Stakeholders to minimise disruption. Further updates will be provided in due course.”
Ashley Malin, Project Development Director, Vital Energi
We are presently trying to find out whether parking suspension notices in Stapleton Rd can now be withdrawn, whether the fencing in All Saints Road can come down, and whether the road closures will remain. We shall update this site as soon as we know more.
The Head of Planning and Regulatory Services has sent a letter today to contractors Vital Energi stating that planning permission is required for the works to install the energy transfer equipment and apparatus on behalf of the Trust.
We asked the City Council to investigate whether this s50 work needed to go through the planning process when details of the project were released.
Our view has always been that the planning process would ensure that residents’ comments were fully taken into account, details of what was proposed would be made clear, and appropriate conditions would be set.
You can see the full letter by clicking this link: vitalenergi final
We are waiting to hear the response from Vital Energi and will update the website when we know more. It appears that an environmental impact assessment may also be needed – that is something else that our residents have asked us to find out more about.
Planning latest in Headington
I think it’s the first time we’ve seen an ice cream parlour mentioned in our new applications list!
Latest on Access to Headington timescales 2016
Our latest advice from County on likely timescales for this project are:
Consultation re new plans – late February/March
Cabinet member decision – late April
Earliest implementation – late July/August
Exact dates for construction will depend on outcomes of the consultation & CMD.
Signage for the Hospital energy works project
Contractors have agreed to put up signs advising cyclists to dismount when using footpaths in roads affected by the works, after we followed up a suggestion from a Lime Walk resident.
We have discussed signage with the contractors at some length, and residents have written to us complaining that traffic is U-turning at the bottom of Bickerton Road. We’ve agreed with Vital Energi that signs off Old Road will advise that the road is closed except for access. Other signs in and around Stapleton Road are also being moved.
If you see any signs that are misleading or placed incorrectly, please let us know.