Headington Ward election results

Turnout was 44.7%

Name of Candidate Description (if any) Number of votes
DUNCAN Ann Alice Green Party 134
GEARING Anthony Ian The Conservative Party Candidate 172
PONTECORVI Marco Labour Party 437
WILKINSON Ruth Elaine Liberal Democrat 1100 Elected

We appreciate your continuing support very much, and Ruth looks forward to serving you as a city councillor for a further term.

On election day morning we attended a meeting with Council officers about security and lighting in Laurel Farm Close, and on Friday we discussed the plan of work for the new build of student accommodation in Latimer Road with Frontier Estates, Savill’s, the site manager from Winvic and managers from McMaster House and St Luke’s. So it’s very much business as usual!

Headington Lib Dems – working hard all year round – even at election time!


The Oxfordshire Credit Union – want to join?

The Oxfordshire Credit Union (OCU) is a financial co-operative whose function is to help people with money management by offering a safe haven for savings and providing affordable loans. Many people borrow at very high rates of interest, sometimes as much as 200% per annum or more, and the OCU will in most cases offer a better alternative.

Membership and access are open to anyone living or working in Oxfordshire. The aim of OCU, which is owned and managed by its members, is to help the community, not to make profits. Members can pay in to their OCU account in many ways, such as by Pay Point or by deduction from their salary if employers agree to this (as will Oxford City Council and the Oxford University NHS Trust). By doing so they can immediately qualify for a loan, as well as being encouraged to save. A member not requiring a loan can invest to help finance the loans, thus increasing the OCU’s reserves and its ability to help others.

OCU can be contacted on 01865 777757 or by e-mail at info@oxfordshirecreditunion.co.uk, or visit their website

Student numbers in Oxford

Latest figures released to us show that:

Oxford’s two universities – Oxford Brookes and the University of Oxford – between them had over 32,000 students enrolled for fulltime study in 2014/15 according to the Higher Education Statistics Agency. Just over 11,000 more students were enrolled for parttime study, a significant portion of whom were studying a modular course rather than a full degree. Not all of these students were living in the city or even studying in it – Oxford Brookes, for example, has three campuses outside the city and some of its students study at franchise organisations elsewhere.
Since the 2000/01 academic year the total number of students has grown at both universities, but in different ways. At Brookes the full-time undergraduate population was 2,500 larger by 2007/08, with little growth since. At the University of Oxford the full-time undergraduate population has changed little in size, whereas the number of full-time postgraduates has grown by 3,000.

Proposals to retain some parking in Headley Way and Windmill Road

Please click the links for Headley Way or for Windmill Road from the Access to Headington web page to view these new proposals.


We wish to thank the County Council’s transport planning team for taking into account the responses made to earlier stages of this consultation.

Comments on these new proposals should be sent in by 23rd May, details are available on the above website






You may be interested to hear about a EU Referendum Business Debate that is being organised by the European Movement at Oxford Brookes University in Headington this Wednesday.

Dinesh Dhamija, former Chairman and CEO of Ebookers will speaking for why remaining in the EU is the best choice for small & medium sized business, while Garry Heath, former DG of the IFA Association, will be aiming to convince the audience that small and medium sized businesses would be better off leaving the EU. The debate is being hosted by Prof. Alistair Fitt, Vice-Chancellor, and will be joined by Nick Jeffrey, Director of Public Policy for Grant Thornton.

The debate is open to all and is free.

Changes to parking permits renewal procedure

The County Council has notified us of the following administrative change.





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Oxfordshire County Council proposes to make the above order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The order will further amend the Oxford controlled parking zone orders (listed below) in respect of the arrangements for the issue of residents and visitor permits as follows:

1) A residents’ permit will ordinarily be valid for 12 months from the date of issue. This will replace the fixed expiry date for all resident’s permits for an entire zone.

2) A qualifying resident will continue to be entitled to an allocation of 50 visitors’ permits each year (first batch of 25 free of charge and the second batch of 25 for £20 save that qualifying residents at the Kassam Stadium zones will continue to be entitled to their annual allocation free of charge). The annual allocation will operate from the first time the applicant is issued with a batch of 25 permits free of charge and that will become his personal renewal date.

3) Transitional provisions will apply to visitors’ permits so that a qualifying resident who has already received his free allocation of visitors’ permits during the current “fixed year” for his zone will not be entitled to a further batch of 25 visitors’ permits free of charge until the expiry of that year. During this transitional period current arrangements will therefore continue to apply.

4) There is no change to current arrangements for visitors’ permits for short term residents.

Documents giving more detailed particulars of the Orders are available for public inspection at www.oxfordshire.gov.uk Oxfordshire County Council, County Hall, New Road OX1 1ND.

Objections to the proposals, specifying the grounds on which they are made, and any other representations, should be sent in writing to the Director for Environment and Economy (ref: DG) at the address given below no later than 20th May 2016. The Council will consider objections and representations received in response to this Notice. They may be disseminated widely for these purposes and made available to the public.

The Director for Environment, Economy and Customer Services Oxfordshire County Council, Speedwell House, Oxford, OX1 1NE.

Latest planning decisions


210 Headley Way

Erection of single storey rear extension. (Retrospective).

15/03475/FUL Headington Ward PERMITTED



17 Stapleton Road 

Erection of part single, part two storey rear extension and roof extension including raising of ridge height to existing dwelling. Erection of three storey side extension to provide 1 x 4-bed dwelling (Use Class C3). Provision of bin storage and cycle parking.(amended plans)
15/03534/FUL Headington Ward PERMITTED


County Council statement on Access to Headington

Here is the full text which has been sent to us.

Decisions on plans for the forthcoming Access to Headington will be taken in June 2016.

Following the recent consultation on the Access to Headington proposals, Oxfordshire County Council has decided to defer making a decision on Traffic Regulation Orders and other measures that require formal approval until a Cabinet Member Decisions meeting on 9 June.

The deferral – decisions were originally due to be made on 28 April –  will allow the county council time to consult on other options specifically for Headley Way and Windmill Road that retain some on-street parking while also providing continuous cycle lanes and more space to ease traffic flow.

This consultation will take place between 28 April and 23 May. The proposals will be made available on-line and letters will be posted to those residents and stakeholders directly affected. The webpage www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/accessheadington will include a link to the consultation from 28 April. The decison is scheduled to be made on 9 June.

The change to the decision date will not affect work starting as planned in the Summer.


PCC hustings Tues 26th April in North Oxford


Date:          Tuesday 26 April

Time:          8:00-9:00 p.m.

Address:   St Margaret’s Institute, Polstead Road OX2 6TN

Chair: Professor Paul Klemperer

On 5 May we will vote for our Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC)

Put your questions about Thames Valley Police and how the candidates view their role as Commissioner to


Anthony Stansfeld

Conservative Candidate


John Howson

Lib Dem Candidate


Labour and UKIP PCC candidates have also been invited to attend


Hustings independently organised and chaired.