Changes to parking permits renewal procedure

The County Council has notified us of the following administrative change.





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Oxfordshire County Council proposes to make the above order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The order will further amend the Oxford controlled parking zone orders (listed below) in respect of the arrangements for the issue of residents and visitor permits as follows:

1) A residents’ permit will ordinarily be valid for 12 months from the date of issue. This will replace the fixed expiry date for all resident’s permits for an entire zone.

2) A qualifying resident will continue to be entitled to an allocation of 50 visitors’ permits each year (first batch of 25 free of charge and the second batch of 25 for £20 save that qualifying residents at the Kassam Stadium zones will continue to be entitled to their annual allocation free of charge). The annual allocation will operate from the first time the applicant is issued with a batch of 25 permits free of charge and that will become his personal renewal date.

3) Transitional provisions will apply to visitors’ permits so that a qualifying resident who has already received his free allocation of visitors’ permits during the current “fixed year” for his zone will not be entitled to a further batch of 25 visitors’ permits free of charge until the expiry of that year. During this transitional period current arrangements will therefore continue to apply.

4) There is no change to current arrangements for visitors’ permits for short term residents.

Documents giving more detailed particulars of the Orders are available for public inspection at Oxfordshire County Council, County Hall, New Road OX1 1ND.

Objections to the proposals, specifying the grounds on which they are made, and any other representations, should be sent in writing to the Director for Environment and Economy (ref: DG) at the address given below no later than 20th May 2016. The Council will consider objections and representations received in response to this Notice. They may be disseminated widely for these purposes and made available to the public.

The Director for Environment, Economy and Customer Services Oxfordshire County Council, Speedwell House, Oxford, OX1 1NE.

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