Next week’s events diary


  • Monday 11 to Friday 15 July, Charity Link Fundraiser by CLIC Sargent, Broad Street, 9am to 6pm. Direct debit fundraising campaign and information stall.
  • Saturday 16 July, Dancin’ Oxford Summer Festival, City Centre inc. Gloucester Green, 12 to 4 pm.
  • Saturday 16 July, Royal British Legion Honour Walk, Shotover Country Park, 10 am to 5 pm. Honour /sponsored walk in aid of the Royal British Legion Poppy
  • Saturday 16 July, Rose Hill Summer Extravaganza, Rose Hill Community Centre & Rec Ground, 12 to 3 pm. This free community event for local residents will include a variety of sports activities.
  • Sunday 17 July, Free Flight Rallies, Port Meadow, 9 am to 6 pm. Model flying rallies – free flight.
  • Sunday 17 July, Headington Baptist Church Family Worship, Bury Knowle Park,10.30 am to 12 pm. Morning family service with worship songs, drama, children’s activity and talk.
  • Sunday 17 July, Marston Neighbourhood Church BBQ, Milham Ford Nature Park, 4 to 5.30 pm. BBQ run by the local church with a public gospel talk, reading from the Bible and some small scale organised games.
  • Sunday 17 July, Oxford Youth Dance 30 year Celebration Picnic, Headington Hill Park, 12 to 4 pm. Bring and Share cold picnic event with pop up dance performances from Oxford Youth Dance/Crossover Intergenerational Company and acoustic band performance from Balloon Ascents (local band).

Brexit: what next?

A public meeting will be held on 15th July,  7pm-9pm, Asian Cultural Centre, Manzil Way

Guest speaker: Catherine Bearder, MEP

Lib Dem MEP Catherine Bearder has kindly agreed to lead a session discussing the implications of the referendum and how remainers of all parties and none should respond. This event is open to all.

Hold this date! Tuesday 26 July


The next public meeting for residents who live in Headington Ward will be on

Tuesday 26th July

at 6:00-7:30 pm

at All Saints Church House, New High Street

Ask the Customer Services Team Leader from the County Council about how to get permits

Ask the Community Liaison officer from the Hospitals’ Trust about the NEW energy pipe application

Plus the latest on Access to Headington and up to the minute latest local news

An Open Session for your comments too! Free of charge. All welcome! Hold your councillors to account!

Ward Focus meetings are run on a drop in and out basis and are free of charge. There is an open session where residents can raise issues of concern. There’s no need to book.

If you would like to contact your Lib Dem city councillors for advice on any issue please contact

Works opposite Dorset House

There is now a temporary entrance to land between the corner of Horwood Close and London Road. People have asked what is happening on that site.

A decision was made to approve the following on 5th March 2010 subject to conditions.

Erection of three storey building accommodating 5 flats (1×3, 2×1 and 2×2 bed). Provision of bin and cycle storage.

A subsequent planning application was made for temporary site access off London Road so that construction vehicles could access the site in order to carry out the development. This was approved on 3/7/13 on condition that the work would commence within three years of the permission date.

13/00861/FUL Proposed temporary site access off London Road in relation to planning permission 10/01877/FUL



North Place gates saga continues

Gates still out of order

Gates still out of order

It’s taken months for the City Council to make the software work with the gates in North Place. Finally the supplier got this working last week and now the gates have been vandalised.

They were shown to work, although temporarily, so have been commissioned. We therefore assume that they cannot be deemed to have been totally unfit for purpose as many residents and councillors had suspected.

The gates were installed in order to stop unauthorised vehicles driving into the area next to Bury Knowle House and Lock’s Court. The controversial Lock’s Court development was permitted only on condition that it is car-free and tenancy agreements confirm this, but residents in neighbouring North Place have complained of taxis and cars causing noise and light disturbance overnight.

We are urgently pressing the City Council to bring these gates into working order as local residents are losing faith that they will ever be usable.

On top of all that, the Library lift isn’t working either. That was put in by the County Council and we have had a number of complaints about it. Another project that does not appear to have been either fit for purpose or value for money?

News from our June Ward Focus meeting


Thanks to Headington School for hosting this event and to our guest speakers Rob Fowler and Richard Wyatt from Oxford City Council for their updates on the hospitals’ energy pipe project and the consultation on Oxford’s Local Plan.

Key learning points

Energy pipe application

  • The application for the energy pipe and associated works including temporary parking at Sandfield Road and the Churchill Hospital is likely to be made available shortly on the Council’s planning site with a reference number of 16/01565/FUL
  • Documentation is much more complete than last time
  • It is a major planning application so must be determined within 13 weeks
  • Notices will go up shortly and there will be a three week consultation period in which members of the public can send in their comments
  • Sandfield Road residents are concerned that the temporary parking space for residents affected by the works should not be accessible by hospital staff and visitors. They also have security concerns about their vehicles while they are parked in the temporary parking area. More details about this will be available in the documents which will be put online shortly.

We have conveyed these concerns to the Trust. The Community Liaison officer Jo Lennon is happy to answer comments via email at and will come to a Sandfield Road residents’ meeting or the next Ward Focus Meeting if requested.

Oxford Local Plan

  • The City Council has produced booklets asking residents for their responses to questions on key topics for Oxford’s future, including housing, employment, transport, education, shopping, green spaces. Copies were supplied to those attending the meeting
  • The City Council is planning to promote the Local Plan consultation at community events which are being held in all other parts of the City except for the North East Area.  Residents complained that this was unfair to those living in Barton, Headington, Wood Farm, Quarry and Risinghurst. The response was that there was insufficient resource to cover extra venues e.g. the Headington Farmers’ Market
  • The Local Plan is also being promoted on the City Council’s website and in the local press.
  • Residents asked for all householders in Oxford City to be sent a booklet so that all were consulted. Ruth and Altaf offered to arrange distribution of booklets to every householder in Headington Ward along with our monthly leaflet.
  • Further concerns were raised that consultations at every stage of the Local Plan would be held during the peak holiday period, and during student vacations
  • The Local Plan will take a long time to be produced, agreed and adopted – 2019 is a target date. The issues raised in the Headington Neighbourhood Plan will inform planning policy work on the new Oxford Local Plan.

Open session issues raised by residents

Can we get our parking forms processed at Bury Knowle Library like they do in Summertown?

  • A speaker from the County Council has agreed to attend our next Ward Focus Meeting.
  • We have advised the County Council who to approach at the City Council should they wish to arrange permit collection from St Aldates.
  • It used to be that the fees for residential permits do not cover the costs of producing them – Roz will check

Speed limits in residential roads and associated signage

  • Speeds are generally exceeded in roads which are used as rat runs
  • The introduction of a 20MPH limit in other areas has reduced overall mean speed by 1%
  • Private hire vehicles frequently exceed 20MPH in London Road. Please report any registered in Oxford to the Licensing Dept at the City Council. Please report those from other areas (including plate number/reg no.) to your councillors and we will investigate
  • 20 MPH signage is inadequate in London Road. Ruth has acquired 4 “polite notices” to keep speed down for Lime Walk and London Road and is asking the County Council if ward budget can be allocated to painting 20 MPH roundels on the highway
  • A No Cycling sign is needed in Coffin Walk. There are concerns about unclear signage of shared footway between the Green Road roundabout and the shops, and signage for cyclists at the corner of Sandfield Road and London Road. Roz will investigate this.

Crime and Police issues

  • Residents would like to see a higher visibility presence from police in London Road to tackle speeding vehicles and cyclists on pavements. 
  • Residents are concerned about van-loads of dubious strangers being off-loaded in Headington to sell low quality items door to door.
  • We have passed on these concerns to the police

When will the real time bus indicators start working?

  • Ruth to pursue if not up and running by end of June as promised.

Why aren’t the North Place entrance gates working?

  • Ruth has been chasing. We will pursue – the reason is that the software for monitoring the use of the gates appears not to be fit for purpose and technicians are trying to resolve this

Why isn’t the library lift working?

  • Roz is pressurising the County Council on this. Councillors are concerned that the lift to the Library is not fit for purpose.

Thanks to all who came to the meeting, it was very well-attended. We value your comments and will take action on your issues. See our next Focus leaflet for an update.

The July Ward Focus meeting will be held on Tuesday 26 July from 6:00-7:30pm at All Saints Church House, New High Street.

Cleaning up the tennis courts

Algae on the tennis courts

Algae on the tennis courts

We’ve been asked about the state of the tennis courts in Bury Knowle Park, and have received this advice from officers.

The problem is with the algae growth.

We have had a lot of problems this year due to the wet and warm winter. This has led to similar conditions on most of our courts and tennis and play areas across the UK.

The courts are mechanically brushed twice a year and sprayed with an anti-algae agent as needed. The latest controls on chemicals, mean that many chemicals used for treatment have now been withdrawn. It is difficult to find a chemical that deals effectively with the algae.

We are working with the LTA and Premier Tennis to see what we can do to improve matters. Blowers to remove leaves and brushes have been purchased and supplied to Premier Tennis on site to assist with keeping the courts clean.

Noise nuisance – how to report it

You can report the following noise complaints to the City Council:

  • Noisy neighbours (loud music, parties, alarms, DIY at unreasonable hours)
  • Anti-social neighbours (shouting, arguing, door slamming)
  • Noise from commercial premises (entertainment, ventilation systems, alarms).
  • Noise from industrial premises (factories, construction sites, demolition, alarms)
  • Noise in the street (car alarms or loud stereos, ice cream vans, busking and street entertainment)
  • Animals (barking dogs or other noisy animals)
  • College Balls

1) Report it online at any time or ring the main City Council number on 01865 249811 if it is office hours. The night-time noise nuisance team works at the following hours and will pick up reported complaints:

Monday to Wednesday – 11pm to 1am
Thursday and Sunday – 11pm to 2am
Friday and Saturday – 11pm to 4am

2) If the complaint is related to Oxford Brookes University, please ring the Community Engagement Office and leave a message on 01865 484451 with details regarding the incident or send an email to; the office will respond in the morning (or Monday if called/emailed during the weekend) If an incident occurs during daytime on weekdays, they can contact us directly (using the same details as above).

3) Contact the PCSO’s (Police Community Support Officers) calling 101 unless lives are at risk, in which case ring 999.