Latest licensing application – CRAFT burger

Application no. 17/01420/PREM

Address of premises: Craft Burger, 1, The Parade, Windmill Road

Application to vary a Premises licence: To add off sales of alcohol to the existing licence: Sunday to Saturday 12:00 hours to 22:00 hours (off sales)

Deadline for comments: 10 May 2017

Address for representations to be sent:

The Licensing Authority, Oxford City Council St Aldates Chambers, 109 St Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1DS, or by email to:

How to register for priority service in power cuts

Thanks to one of our residents for alerting us to Scottish and Southern Electricity’s Priority Service scheme.

The SSE website gives the following information:

Who is eligible to join our Priority Services Register?

You can join our Priority Services Register if you:

  • Are dependent on electricity for home medical care, for example a kidney dialysis machine or ventilator.
  • Have a chronic illness or short term medical condition; for example you are recovering from a major operation.
  • Are disabled.
  • Have special communication needs; for example because you are blind, partially sighted, deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Have children under 5.
  • Are over 60 years old.

We recognise some of our customers may need support in other ways during power cuts. If you have other needs and feel you will need extra help in the event of a power cut, please contact us to discuss. 

If you would like more information please go to




Neighbourhood Plan – where to find it

The Headington Neighbourhood Plan will go to referendum on Thursday 4th May. The arrangements will be as for the local County Council elections held that day. The question on the (green) ballot paper will be:



Do you want Oxford City Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Headington to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?  YES <box> NO  <box>”

The Chair of the Headington Neighbourhood Forum has written to us with the following information:

We do hope that all Forum members and those who have been following our progress will turn out and support the Neighbourhood Plan.  Voter registration is open until 13th April, and if you cannot vote in person you can apply for a postal vote but need to complete and return the application form by 18th April.

The final version of the Plan is available at:

A key part of the plan are the community policies and actions.  

If you would like further information please don’t hesitate to contact us at



Rough sleepers in Headington – how to help

Residents have asked for contact details of agencies they can ring to get help for rough sleepers in the area.

Oxford City Council supports the homeless services in the City in several ways, by funding several organisations who assist people who have fallen into need and supporting them to get back on track. This includes funding the Oxford Street Population Outreach Team (OXSPOT) who make daily contact with Rough Sleepers in the City to encourage them to access services to assist them with finding accommodation. There are two homeless hostels in the city, as well as other dispersed  supported accommodation for rough sleepers and single homeless people. Oxford SPOT will work with anyone rough sleeping to support them into suitable accommodation, either in the city or elsewhere, as well as link people up with any other relevant support they need.

Information on individuals sighted sleeping in the City is always welcomed as this can help us to target our approach in helping them. Please record any sightings, or raise concerns through OXSPOT who can be contacted directly on 01865 304 611 or via email outreach.oxford@MUNGOS.ORG or by recording on Streetlink,, who will then notify  OXSPOT.



Great news – Roz Smith re-standing in May elections

Roz Smith – brings energy and enthusiasm to the Headington Lib Dem team.

Altaf and Ruth are delighted that our close colleague Roz Smith is re-standing in the local elections in May.

We know that Roz feels privileged to have represented you as county councillor for the past four years, and has received a lot of support from people in the area.

She lives locally and is involved in many of our community organisations as school governor, fund-raiser and committee member, so unlike other candidates she has first-hand knowledge of what goes on in the area, and what Headington people are most concerned about. She champions Headington issues at County Hall

Roz knows how important it is to keep people informed. As part of the Headington Lib Dem team, she attends monthly Ward Focus Group meetings and street surgeries, listens carefully to comments from residents, and takes action to champion their concerns.

Together, Roz, Altaf and Ruth work hard throughout the year to represent your views.

With your help, Roz and the team have achieved positive results for Headington – just two examples are getting the London Road re-built rather than just re-surfaced, and working hard to get positive changes to the Access to Headington scheme so that as many trees and as much on-street parking is saved.

When Roz meets people at community events or on their doorstep, residents tell her they are worried about cuts to local vital services, neglected potholes and air pollution due to the amount of traffic movements we suffer in our area. If re-elected, we know Roz is determined to work hard on your behalf to tackle these issues and any other concerns to the best of her ability and her track record is one to be proud of.

If you wish to contact Roz, she would be pleased to hear from you. Her telephone number is 07584 257156. We hope you, like us, will give her your full support.

Breaking: proposal for new build at JR. Consultation dates 28-29 April

We have received the following from the University. The access route and timing may coincide with the Access to Headington works in Headley Way if proposals keep to the timescale in this communication, we are working with the County to address this


Dear Stakeholder,

We would like to invite you to attend a public exhibition to view proposals for a new building on the John Radcliffe Hospital Site at Headley Way.

The new building is intended to provide purpose-built facilities for the Centre for the Prevention of Stroke and Dementia (CPSD), as well as providing additional research and desk space for the Oxford Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain (FMRIB). Both of these organisations are component units of the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences (part of the University’s Medical Sciences Division).

When the development is complete, it will create the UK’s largest dedicated centre for stroke research and will help to maintain the University’s position as a world-leader not only in the research it undertakes, but also in the quality of teaching it provides.

Oxford City Council’s Development Plan allocates the John Radcliffe Hospital Site for new development which comprises hospital related uses, including associated administrative and academic floorspace.

A planning application is expected to be submitted to Oxford City Council in July 2017 to take forward the development of this new facility with construction to begin in early 2018.

As part of this process, the University is inviting members of the public to discuss the proposals with members of the project team on the following dates: 

Day 1: Friday 28 April 2017 between 4.00pm and 7.00pm 

Venue: Osler House, Osler Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9BL

Day 2: Saturday 29 April 2017 between 10.00am and 12.00pm

Venue: Osler House, Osler Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9BL

Members of the University and the design team will be available to answer any queries you may have. In addition, hard copies of a feedback form will be available at the consultation sessions and an online version will follow on the University’s website together with an electronic version of the display information. The University will review all feedback and will take it into account before details are finalised and the planning application submitted.

If you have any queries regarding the event please do not hesitate to contact the University at the following email address:

Old Headington power cuts – latest

We understand the frustration of residents in the Old Headington area who have experienced a series of power cuts over recent months. We are liaising with SSE and they are keeping us up to date with developments.

There was a further power cut of around 2 hours last night. The software that they had put in at the substation to monitor this did work – it detected fuses blowing and replaced them one by one but couldn’t completely prevent the power from going off.

This matter has been escalated within SSE, it has been brought to the attention of the Head of Network Sustainability and head of customer services for the area.

The problem is that the faults happen intermittently and are underground. In these sorts of cases, if water seeps into a nick in the plastic casing around the cables in one place, the fault may manifest itself some distance away at a joint. The software is trying to isolate the fault to a stretch of road between two specific location points – once the stretch of road is identified, SSE will dig it up.

Once the likely site of the fault is determined, the process would be that SSE schedules the digging up of the road and gives 7 days notice to residents. In cases of extreme urgency (permanent rather than intermittent fault), SSE could invoke emergency procedures and give only 48 hours notice, but this is unlikely in this case.

If you wish to talk  to SSE directly, the number to ring is 0800 980 1395 and the reference is 31598

One extra piece of information we learned: SSE does offer ‘suitcase’ packs to households to ensure power can be maintained while works are carried out and the main power is turned off, this may be useful for anyone needing power supply for medical equipment etc.

We are keeping the Friends of Old Headington informed

Book your stall NOW for the Headington Festival!

This year’s Headington Festival takes place on the first weekend in June and  bookings for stallholders are being taken now for the festivities on Sunday 4th June, in Bury Knowle Park.

This two day community festival attracts thousands of people each year, and features a host of free entertainment and family fun.

Support our event, and your local community, by hosting a stall to sell your produce or crafts, or to advertise your group or services.

Applying is even easier this year.  Just head to this website and click on the links for the “Stallholder Information” (boring but important) and then the link for “Stallholder Registration”.  Once the completed form is submitted through the website, it will be processed within a week, and your space will be confirmed.

Construction access management to Beech House – update

We understand that from today till 28 April Winvic will use a traffic marshall / spotter on the junction of Lime Walk and All Saints Road to assist with lorries turning in to All Saints Road and marshall pedestrians on the junction as and when required. The marshall will check lorries and turn away any unauthorised deliveries so there should be no more low loaders or other vehicles arriving at unauthorised times at the site and being turned back. This should reduce the amount of turning vehicles in Latimer Road and stop vehicles turning into/out of the Brambles or blocking driveways.

We are still awaiting the planning decision on whether to accept a revised construction access plan.