Southern Gas Works in Franklin Road – inadequate notice given?

It appears that the notices which went out to residents in Franklin Road about impending utilities works went out later than they should have done. Some residents got home to find SGN contractors and equipment working outside their properties, but claim they had no prior notification.

We have chased this. Here is the response from SGN


I can confirm our letter to residents informing them of our gas works were sent out 25th April. Our letters explain that our works effecting residents are due commence on the 15th May 2017.

We are currently working at the junction of Headley Way and Franklin Road where we have just completed a gas connection as part of our works in Headley Way, unfortunately during this time a builder decided to operate a large crane blocking off half of the carriageway in Franklin Road adding to the disruption.

We have excavated 2 camera holes in Franklin Road as part of advance investigations but these will not affect gas supplies.

Prior to our works affecting customers in Franklin Road each resident will receive a visit and an explanation of what will happen and agreed date when supplies will need to be interrupted.

If you have any queries about this, please contact us as we now have the contact details of the project manager and can take action fairly quickly.

Should Oxford impose a tourism levy?

Ruth’s Lib Dem motion for Oxford City Council to lobby nationally for the power to impose a tourism tax was carried unanimously with cross-party support at Full Council on Monday.

The issues around tourist taxes are quite complex. Here is the text of Ruth’s speech.

In his 2007 inquiry into local government, Lyons recommended that the Government should consider legislating to allow some authorities to introduce a tourism-related tax where appropriate.

In January, the London Finance Commission reported on options for a tourist levy. It sets out international comparisons and estimated revenues.

Here are some broader economic arguments that have been made about tourist tax.

  • Tourists impose costs on the host society that are not paid for by the tourist. Residents should be compensated.
  • Tourists consume un-priced natural amenities and public goods
  • The tourism sector should bear the costs of promotion
  • Tourist taxes are common in many European cities
  • Hotel taxes may lead to a decrease in demand
  • The tourism sector is already heavily taxed in terms of ticket taxes, airport taxes and VAT
  • Tourist taxes shouldn’t only be levied on hotel accommodation
  • The admin burden would fall on businesses

How could a tourism-related levy work?

  • Flat rate per night’s stay e.g. in Lisbon
  • Percentage per hotel stay cost e.g. Berlin and Amsterdam
  • Flat rates set in bands e.g. according to star rating like in Paris and Rome

AirBnB has agreed with Amsterdam authorities to simplify the payment of the tourist tax by collecting and remitting those taxes on behalf of hosts.

There are alternative voluntary schemes too but audit would need to be transparent.

In Hackney, a £1 per night voluntary donation is added to guests’ hotel bills for:

  • hospitality training schemes supported by council programmes
  • Support for cultural events
  • Improvements to public spaces

The Heart of the Lakes accommodation company in the Lake District automatically adds £2 to every invoice it raises – guests can opt out (but don’t)

There are Tourism Business Improvement Districts in Loch Ness and Torbay, and consultation is underway on another one in Birmingham.

Westminster, Birmingham, Brighton, Bath, Edinburgh and Cornwall have all considered a tourist tax in recent years but none have gone ahead because the power to impose this has not been devolved by national government.

Camden Council wants to charge a tourist levy of £1 per person per night to use for extra street cleaning in popular areas like Camden Lock.

The figures for average hotel stay in Oxford are different from those in London where the average stay is much longer at 5.83 days. Inbound tourism is set to increase with the Westgate retail offer but how much of this will translate into increased hotel occupancy?

The devolution of power to local authorities to impose tourist taxes may be well worth fighting for, at a time of post-Brexit uncertainty and public spending cuts. I look forward to a wider debate.

Here is the text of the motion that was agreed.

Power to impose a tourist tax in Oxford

Council notes that a number of local authorities are currently lobbying for the power to impose tourist bed taxes or “hotel levies”. These include Camden, Westminster, Bath, Birmingham, Brighton, Edinburgh and Cornwall.

Council also notes the recent support by the Mayor of London for the introduction of such a levy following the publication for the London Finance Commission by the GLA of Working Paper 83 entitled Options for a tourism levy for London. This report gives details of tourist taxes levied across the world in cities that have a high proportion of tourists.

Council recognizes that the British Hospitality Association is strongly opposed to any imposition of a bed tax, and that the VAT rates in the UK on hotel accommodation are much higher than in other EU countries.

Oxford is the seventh most visited city in the UK by international visitors and is the tourism gateway to the rest of Oxfordshire. The opening of the new Westgate retail offer is expected to generate increased visits to Oxford. Council welcomes tourism in Oxford as this brings many benefits to the City, however this does bring with it an extra demand for infrastructure and environmental improvements, and cost to the Council of increased workload in some departments, for example Streetscene and Parks.

Council notes that there are uncertainties ahead post-Brexit with respect to Oxford’s economy, and that it may be wise to join other authorities in lobbying for the power to introduce and retain a tourism levy.

Council therefore asks the Chief Executive and the Leader of the Council to work with other local authorities representing cities with high rates of tourism to lobby jointly for the devolution of the above power. It further requests that Council writes to Oxford’s two MPs to inform them of this Council’s motion and ask for their support.

Useful references:


Oxford’s Japan Day 1st May

Have a taste of Japan in Oxford next Monday 1 May 2017 anytime from 11am to 3pm at St Giles’ Church Hall (OX2 6HT).

The organisers promise lots of typical Japanese food including cakes and tea; traditional Japanese crafts and antiques; workshops in origami, Japanese calligraphy, face painting and  a kimono (Japanese traditional clothes) fitting.

The event is aimed at introducing Japanese culture to people in Oxford and raising funds in aid of the communities affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011.

Next month’s events

  • Monday 1 May, May Morning, Magdalen Bridge, 5am to 7am. The choristers of Magdalen College choir will be singing Hymnus Eucharisticus from the Great Tower, which will be followed by the bells ringing out over the city for approximately 20 minutes.
  • Sunday 7 May, Bike Oxford 2017, route through the city centre starting and finishing at Oxford University Rugby Club, 6.30am to 6pm. Bike Oxford, now entering its 4th year, is a day of marked rides of 25, 50 and 80 miles, taking in the best scenery of Oxford and the surrounding countryside.
  • Monday 8, 22 and 29 May, Sri Chinmoy Races, Cutteslowe Park, 7am to 7.30pm. Self Transcendence race series held every summer in Cutteslowe Park.
  • Thursday 11 May, Mental Health Awareness Week, Bonn Square, 10am to 3pm. Oxford City Council and partners from Public Health, Aspire, Restore and OxSPA are coming together to promote Mental Health Awareness Week.
  • Saturday 13 – Sunday 14 May, British Heart Foundation London to Oxford Trek, finishing at Oxpens Meadow, 2pm (Sat) to 4pm (Sun). From the Capital to the historic university city of Oxford, heart trekkers can walk 100 km through the day and through the night.
  • Saturday 13 May, OxHoli 2017, Cowley Marsh, 12pm to 4pm. Celebration of the Indian festival of colours, organised by the Oxford University Hindu Society.
  • Sunday 14 May, Town & Gown, route through the city centre finishing at University Parks, 8am to 12pm. Annual 10k charity road race through Oxford City Centre.
  • Sunday 14 May, Jewish Culture Fair, Broad Street, 2pm to 6pm. Event celebrating Jewish culture including music, art, food, history display and

May morning celebrations

Thousands of people are expected to see in May Morning together on Magdalen Bridge.

It will start at 6am on Monday 1 May with the choristers of Magdalen College choir singing the Hymnus Eucharisticus* from the college’s Great Tower.

This will be followed by the Great Tower’s bells ringing out over the city for approximately 20 minutes.

Events and activities, including Morris Dancing and folk singing, will then take place across the city.

Last year’s event attracted about 25,000 people. For more information about events taking place this year, please visit:

*Hymnus Eucharisticus was composed in the 17th century by a Fellow of Magdalen College and has been sung every year from the Great Tower on May Morning ever since.

Latest licensing application – CRAFT burger

Application no. 17/01420/PREM

Address of premises: Craft Burger, 1, The Parade, Windmill Road

Application to vary a Premises licence: To add off sales of alcohol to the existing licence: Sunday to Saturday 12:00 hours to 22:00 hours (off sales)

Deadline for comments: 10 May 2017

Address for representations to be sent:

The Licensing Authority, Oxford City Council St Aldates Chambers, 109 St Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1DS, or by email to:

How to register for priority service in power cuts

Thanks to one of our residents for alerting us to Scottish and Southern Electricity’s Priority Service scheme.

The SSE website gives the following information:

Who is eligible to join our Priority Services Register?

You can join our Priority Services Register if you:

  • Are dependent on electricity for home medical care, for example a kidney dialysis machine or ventilator.
  • Have a chronic illness or short term medical condition; for example you are recovering from a major operation.
  • Are disabled.
  • Have special communication needs; for example because you are blind, partially sighted, deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Have children under 5.
  • Are over 60 years old.

We recognise some of our customers may need support in other ways during power cuts. If you have other needs and feel you will need extra help in the event of a power cut, please contact us to discuss. 

If you would like more information please go to




Neighbourhood Plan – where to find it

The Headington Neighbourhood Plan will go to referendum on Thursday 4th May. The arrangements will be as for the local County Council elections held that day. The question on the (green) ballot paper will be:



Do you want Oxford City Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Headington to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?  YES <box> NO  <box>”

The Chair of the Headington Neighbourhood Forum has written to us with the following information:

We do hope that all Forum members and those who have been following our progress will turn out and support the Neighbourhood Plan.  Voter registration is open until 13th April, and if you cannot vote in person you can apply for a postal vote but need to complete and return the application form by 18th April.

The final version of the Plan is available at:

A key part of the plan are the community policies and actions.  

If you would like further information please don’t hesitate to contact us at



Rough sleepers in Headington – how to help

Residents have asked for contact details of agencies they can ring to get help for rough sleepers in the area.

Oxford City Council supports the homeless services in the City in several ways, by funding several organisations who assist people who have fallen into need and supporting them to get back on track. This includes funding the Oxford Street Population Outreach Team (OXSPOT) who make daily contact with Rough Sleepers in the City to encourage them to access services to assist them with finding accommodation. There are two homeless hostels in the city, as well as other dispersed  supported accommodation for rough sleepers and single homeless people. Oxford SPOT will work with anyone rough sleeping to support them into suitable accommodation, either in the city or elsewhere, as well as link people up with any other relevant support they need.

Information on individuals sighted sleeping in the City is always welcomed as this can help us to target our approach in helping them. Please record any sightings, or raise concerns through OXSPOT who can be contacted directly on 01865 304 611 or via email outreach.oxford@MUNGOS.ORG or by recording on Streetlink,, who will then notify  OXSPOT.