Latest planning decisions in Headington Ward

Applications withdrawn

  1. 17/02343/FUL WITHDRAWN

    Erection of a 1×1-bed dwelling with parking.

    142 Headley Way Oxford

  2. 17/02344/FUL WITHDRAWN

Erection of 1 x 2-bed dwelling with parking provision and access.

142 Headley Way Oxford


Applications granted consent


  1. 17/02351/FUL PERMITTED

    Formation of 1no. dormer window to rear elevation. (Amended plans)

    117 Headley Way Oxford


  2. 17/02350/FUL PERMITTED

    Erection of two modular units outside the minor injuries entrance to provide as assessment facility to reduce waiting times.
    John Radcliffe Hospital Headley Way

Venue for Ward Focus Meeting confirmed – Manor Hospital, Beech Road 28 November


The next public meeting for residents who live in Headington Ward will be on

Tuesday 28th November

Manor Hospital, Beech Road, Headington OX3 7RP

from 6:00-7:30 pm

Guest speaker: Dr Paul Robinson on energy plans for Headington 

Ward Focus meetings are run on a drop in and out basis and are free of charge. There is an open session where residents can raise issues of concern. There’s no need to book.

If you would like to contact your Lib Dem city councillors for advice on any issue please contact

Kennett Road may re-open this afternoon

No obvious leakage has been found by workmen digging into the hole as far as the pipes.  Apparently the ground is quite sandy once the road surface is broken into.
There is no obvious reason for this hole to have appeared, so the issue is considered to be resolved. The sub-soil has been replaced and the road has been reconstructed with two layers of tarmac.
Today they will top surface it, and then a curing period will be needed before anyone can drive over it.
The network supervisor is hoping that the road may be re-opened this afternoon and certainly by the peak period for traffic.

UPDATE: Kennett Road now open again

Latest planning applications in Headington Ward

All the following have been permitted under delegated authority.

  1. 17/02009/FUL 
Demolition of existing entrance hall, WC and rear porch. Erection of single storey front extension. Alteration to windows and doors to the front and rear elevations.

B Langley Court Langley Close

  1. 17/02141/FUL 
Erection of two storey side and rear extension, insertion of 1 window to rear ground floor elevation. Demolition of existing garage.

1 Stapleton Road Oxford

  1. 17/02276/CPU 
Application to certify that the proposed formation of hip to gable in association with loft conversion, alterations to existing garage to form habitable space, formation of 1 dormer to rear roofslope, alterations to 1no. window on first floor, alterations to existing doors to side elevation is lawful development. (Amended description)

11 Bickerton Road Oxford

  1. 17/02292/FUL 
Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a House in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4).

39 Lime Walk Oxford

  1. 17/01496/FUL Affecting a Conservation Area 
Erection of trellis to the inside of the north and west boundary walls.

Churchill Farm House 4 St Andrew’s Lane

  1. 17/01943/CPU 
Application to certify that the proposed summer room and garage/workshop is lawful development. (Amended plan)

91 Lime Walk Oxford

  1. 17/02368/VAR Affecting a Conservation Area 
Variation of condition 16 (Sustainable technology) of planning permission 16/02559/VAR (Variation of condition 13 (materials) of planning permission 15/01988/FUL (Demolition of existing chalet bungalow. Erection of a three storey 1 x 5-bed dwellinghouse (Use Class C3). Formation of new vehicular access from Stoke Place with provision of 3No. car parking spaces, bin and cycle store and new landscaping) to enable the use of alternative brick and roof tiles and to allow the condition to be discharged post commencement of works) to allow alternative to a mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery by installing a Flue Gas Recovery Unit.

Rookery Cottage 11 Stoke Place


Kennett Road sink hole

We have sent the following email to Kennett Road residents.

Dear all

Thanks to all residents for alerting us to this pothole.

I asked the Highways Technician to sort this out, he sent down a team to give it a temporary fix but this failed. I contacted him again and he arranged to inspect the site- his concern was that if the temp fix had failed, then this was likely to be a sink hole and not a pothole. That would require the Highways Authority to call in Thames Water to assess it.

The inspection was done and Thames Water were called in. What happens in this scenario is that if any accidents happen meantime due to a sink hole, then claims need to be made to Thames Water.

Yesterday night I received a number of messages from various residents saying the sink hole was getting bigger so I called in the out of hours service to make it safe, but this is still a temporary fix.

Here is the advice sent to us this morning by the network supervisor at the Council:

We had a crew attended site last night and made safe again, I have contacted TW once again, and they have said they have carried out a CCTV survey and have denied that it’s their responsibility.

We will monitor this in the short term and will arrange for a team to attend site and carry out some investigation work,  but I’m not convinced they have done a complete survey and have asked for the survey report, as I don’t want to spend tax payers money and resources on a TW assets. If we find out it is there issue I will look at recovering the cost

The annoying thing when ownership of a problem is disputed is that the situation can take longer to get resolved. Altaf and I will keep pushing on this to try to get as fast a solution as possible, but in the meantime we would be grateful if you could contact us if you think the hole is once again becoming unsafe. Putting it bluntly, if the first temporary fix didn’t work, this one won’t either, so we need to watch this closely.

Just wanted to keep you updated

Regards, Ruth and Altaf



Up and coming events in Oxford

  • Wednesday 1 to Monday 6 November, Jack FM  Breast Cancer Awareness, Bonn Square, all day. As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Jack FM are decorating Bonn Square with some bra bunting.
  • Saturday 4 November, Oxford Round Table Fireworks Display 2017, South Park, 4.30 pm to 10 pm. Annual firework display and bonfire, with Jack FM sound stage, event catering, family area, public bar tent and funfair.
  • Saturday 4 November, Oxfordshire Poppy Day, Bonn Square, 10 am to 4 pm. To raise awareness of the work of the Royal British Legion.
  • Saturday 4 November, Santas on the Run Takeover Day, city centre, including Broad Street and Gloucester Green, 10 am to 7 pm. Watch out for Santas around the city centre and sign up for the fun run in December.
  • Sunday 5 November, Disco Soup, Bonn Square, 12 pm to 3 pm. Join this interactive community cook-up and feast to support organisations working with food surplus and against food poverty.
  • Saturday 11 November, Leiden Square Opening, Leiden Square (Westgate), 12 pm to 4 pm. Official opening of the new Leiden Square that is located in the Westgate and named after Oxford’s twin city in the Netherlands.
  • Sunday 12 NovemberRemembrance Sunday, St Giles, 10 am to 12 pm. Annual Remembrance Day Service & Parade.
  • Wednesday 15 November, Schools Cross Country Races, Horspath Sports Ground and Shotover Country Park, 1 pm to 4 pm. A series of races for young people from secondary schools in Oxfordshire.
  • Friday 17 to Sunday 19 November, Oxford’s Christmas Light Festival, city centre, 6 pm to 10 pm (Fri), 10 am to 10 pm (Sat) and 10 am to 4 pm (Sun). To launch the festive season, Oxford’s city centre will once again be transformed with cultural activities and installations.

‘One-stop’ shop helpline available for Oxford residents to keep homes warm.

Residents in Oxford concerned about keeping warm in their homes this winter are being encouraged to contact the free helpline for advice.

The helpline, which is operated by the Better Housing Better Health (BHBH) scheme, provides any Oxford resident with a single point of contact for services, advice and grants in order to stay warm and well in their homes.

The free ‘Better Housing Better Health’ helpline, 0800 107 0044, which residents can ring for guidance on how to stay warm, is open Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm.

The scheme has been launched by the National Energy Foundation (NEF), working on behalf of Oxford City Council and the five other local authorities across Oxfordshire

Those at greater risk of the impacts of cold homes include those who are:

  • Aged over 60
  • Children under 5 and pregnant mothers
  • Living with respiratory disease (COPD, asthma)
  • On a low income
  • Suffer from cardiovascular disease (Ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease)
  • Suffer from moderate to severe mental illness
  • Terminally ill
  • Have limited mobility
  • Have severe learning difficulties
  • In long-term debt

There are no eligibility requirements for residents wanting to access the service. Any resident who is looking for free advice on how to keep warm is encouraged to call the helpline. 

Residents who call the helpline will have their needs assessed over the phone and, where eligible, can be referred to:

  • Expert Energy Advice
  • LEAP Home Energy Visit and associated services such as small repairs
  • Energy bill discounts
  • Grants and funding
  • Income maximisation
  • Other Council services and more