Press release re A2H delay

We have been sent the following press release from the County Council.

The start of the next phase of the Access to Headington transport improvement project has been postponed.

Work had been due to start on Headley Way on 22 January along the length of Headley Way including the junction works outside the John Radcliffe hospital and on the Marsh Lane junction.

However concerns over costs, utility diversions and technical issues relating to the hill section between Marsh Lane and the hospital, mean that the construction team have decided to put the start on hold. This means that the team are now looking at other sources of funding along with ways to reduce costs so that the improvement work goes ahead.

However the need for more certainty over costs, utility diversions and technical issues relating to the hill section between Marsh Lane and the hospital, mean that the construction team have decided to put the start on hold. This has also provided an opportunity to seek additional sources of funding to include improvements that had previously been unaffordable along with ways to reduce costs so that the improvement work goes ahead.

It is hoped that a new date for the work to start can be decided in the coming weeks.

County Councillor Yvonne Constance, Cabinet member for Environment and Economy, said: “We are still committed to delivering the scheme and some facilitating work will continue at weekends so that we are ready

“This is a challenging and much needed piece of work and it makes sense to look again at the costs and designs to ensure that it can be delivered on budget. We had hoped to resolve this without needing to pause the scheme but require more time to reach a conclusion.”

Work on The Slade is programmed to finish in February providing a new off-carriageway facility for cyclists as well as improved crossings. Once complete known issues such as parking obstructing the path will see enforcement action taking place.

The new junction on Gypsy Lane, completed early 2017, is working well and we will continue monitoring of that over the duration of the Access to Headington programme. The latest work undertaken on Old Road/Churchill Drive and Churchill Drive/Roosevelt Drive is now complete and working well providing improved access for the Churchill Hospital site.

Closure of part of Lime Walk 15-19 January

The scheduled Thames Water work is to the fire hydrant which is located on the pinch point in Lime Walk near the junction with All Saints Road, TW has to “re-do the valves”
The bit of Lime Walk next to the buildout will be closed for works from 15-19 January in principle, but the work may be completed inside three days – that extra time is allowed for ad hoc technical/engineering problems
So from Monday, access from Old Road to Lime Walk will be signed “Access to frontages only. No through road” and it will be a dead end just before the buildout. No parking slots should be affected.
Those accessing Lime Walk from London Road will see diversion signs from Monday morning and the diversion signs will be back up at the All Saints junction advising traffic to divert via Stapleton or Bickerton Roads.
We are trying to find out how many houses have been letter-dropped by Thames Water and have advised Highfield Residents’ Association

Bright New Year for Headington

Here is a reprint of the piece Ruth wrote for last week’s Oxford Times (p77) in case you missed it!

2018 is going to be an exciting year for Headington. But with some traffic chaos thrown in, so no changes there!

Bad news first. There will be roadworks practically all year starting January, in the Headley Way area for 36 weeks, then in Windmill Road, as part of Access to Headington improvements. Let’s hope the outcome is worthwhile. I’m still pushing for the pedestrian crossing point across London Road from Osler Road if money allows.

But what great community projects are opening up following the success of the Neighbourhood Plan referendum result! This has released community infrastructure levy contribution for Headington, and we’ve identified unspent developer money too.

Working together with Headington Action and residents’ groups, there are a number of new initiatives about to kick off.

Chief among these are projects to promote Headington’s character and identity. Headington’s not just a main road to use between Oxford and London, we have culture and heritage and technological achievements we are proud of.

We are currently looking to introduce audio-benches and audio-posts in Bury Knowle Park and through the centre that tell Headington’s story – its people, its history, its achievements. Another venture is to provide a central wifi hotspot where people can access and download information about Headington to their smartphones using a QR code – this could help people use walking trails or get information on local shops and amenities.

Our biggest tourist attractions are Bury Knowle Park and the Shark. We’re looking to put in a new circular seat near the flagpole with an audio-post explaining the history and amenities of the Park and the House. And a group of residents are keen to get the Shark listed, so that it has some protection in planning terms. Like it or loathe it, the Shark brings visitors to Headington and boosts local trade, so it makes good economic sense to look after it. It’s an internationally renowned icon and it continues to delight generation after generation. Let’s celebrate its quirkiness!

Headington Action already runs amazingly successful events like its Headington Market, and plans for next year’s Headington Festival are already well under way.

The LED lighting in Headington centre’s trees is a great start to brightening up the centre. There is also a greening project in preparation that will encourage folk to plant bee, bird and insect-friendly plants in public and private spaces.

There’s a project looking at bringing together all local groups who provide activities for those in our area who feel isolated or lonely, and finding out how these can be supported more effectively all year round.

The Neighbourhood Forum has called on the City Council to undertake a governance review that will take twelve months. One potential outcome might be that Headington could get its own Community Council, with more powers devolved to local community councillors. This would encourage even more people to get involved in community action. Exciting times!

For many, the biggest worry is the lack of affordable homes. Headington’s staggering economic growth brings challenges: hospitals and care homes fight to retain staff because low-paid public and private sector workers can’t afford local rents. Workers have to commute in, and this impacts on congestion and air quality.

More keyworker housing is needed, and quickly – particularly for young families. We need innovative housing schemes for those trying hard to save up for a deposit on a home. The publication of the Masterplan for the hospital sites could be a long-term game-changer if it incorporates more homes and deals with its parking problems.

2018 brings many challenges and opportunities for Headington. There is much to look forward to!


Ruth Wilkinson, Lib Dem Councillor for Headington Ward

Where to recycle your Christmas tree

Oxford City Council can recycle real Christmas trees. Leave yours, without the lights, pot or decorations, next to the blue bin or sacks on collection day, starting from the week beginning 9 January for those in the south of the city (red collection zone) or week beginning 16 January for those in the north (blue collection zone). The Council will collect them for free and recycle them into compost (you don’t need a brown bin subscription). Last year the City Council composted around 5,000 Christmas trees.

Residents in flats that do not have kerbside collections, or anyone wishing to recycle their tree before the collections begin, can take their trees to one of the 12 collection points across the city instead. These are open until 14 January and are located at:

• Alexandra Tennis Courts, Middle Way, Summertown
• Leys Pools and Leisure Centre car park (formerly Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre)
• Bury Knowle Park, North Place car park
• Cutteslowe Park, Harbord Road car park
• Florence Park, Cowley
• Hinksey Park, off Abingdon Road
• Long Lane, Littlemore
• Margaret Road Recreation Ground
• Meadow Lane Recreation Ground, Jackdaw Lane
• Oatlands Recreation Ground, Ferry Hinksey Road (car park)
• South Park, Morrell Avenue
• Sunnymead Recreation Ground, by play area

To find out more visit the Recycling at Christmas page on the Council’s website,

Burglaries in Coniston Avenue: information needed re wanted men

Thames Valley Police is appealing for information regarding the whereabouts of two men who are wanted in connection with burglaries in Oxford.

Lewis Felton, aged 27, and Kane Jones, aged 21, are wanted in connection with a number of burglaries that happened in Oxford on the same day last year.

The first burglary happened in Coniston Avenue, Marston, at about 2.10am on Tuesday 14 November.

During the burglary five offenders, all wearing hooded tops with the hoods up, forced their way into the property and stole a set of car keys to a Mazda 3 VRM SL54 KVZ.

Two of the offenders then drove the Mazda, which has tinted windows and gold alloy wheels, towards Headley Way.

The other three offenders walked away from the scene towards Ambleside Drive.

A purple coloured Adidas rucksack was also stolen. The rucksack contained a BMW employee pass and a 50ml bottle of DKNY gold perfume.

The second burglary happened in Valentia Road at about 2.30am.

During the burglary the offenders forced open a door to the property and stole a set of keys to a Land Rover with a 2014 number plate.

Subsequently, the Land Rover was stolen.

The third burglary occurred in Hill Top Road at about 2.45am.

The offenders forced their way into the property through a window and stole a set of keys to a BMW X5. The vehicle was later recovered in Prospect Path.

A set of house keys, watch and a Samsung phone were also taken.

Investigating officer, PC Sian Lewis of the Local Policing Area team in Oxfordshire, said: “I would appeal to anyone who has any information about the burglaries or the whereabouts of Lewis Felton and Kane Jones to contact police immediately.

“Felton has links to Berinsfield, Kidlington and Oxford and Jones has links to Kidlington and Oxford.

“It is believed that the offenders may have used a silver Vauxhall, possibly an Astra or Corsa, during the burglaries.

“If anyone has any information please call the 24-hour Thames Valley Police enquiry centre on 101 and quote reference 43170338429.

“If you do not want to speak directly to the police you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.

“I would like to reassure residents that the force takes burglary extremely seriously. We realise the impact that such an intrusive crime has on its victims.

“This type of burglary is generally committed with the sole intention of recovering car keys so that the victim’s vehicles can then be stolen. As such the force advises motorists to place their car keys out of sight.”

Update on Lock’s Court/North Place issues

On Christmas Day, there was a fire in the bin store in Lock’s Court. The fire brigade was called out, they removed two bollards to gain access, disabled the electronic gate, and the lighting went out.

According to the fire crew, the bollards were laid on the grass, but they are no longer there and the City Council has reordered a set today.

We have received the following officer advice.

I have also requested for our estates team to attend to fix the gates and address the lighting (it has come back on this morning however I will still ask them to have a look to make sure that all is in working order).

Survey on whether more money should be available for policing

We have received this message from the Police and Crime Commissioner, Anthony Stansfeld:

On Tuesday 19th December the Home Secretary announced a substantial £450 million increase in police funding across England and Wales. However, this funding package assumes that all Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) will raise the police element of council tax by £1 a month (or £12 a year) for a band D property which, collectively, will raise £270 million of the £450 million increase. This will allow forces to continue to provide an effective service in their critical work to fight crime and protect the public.

At present around 60% of Thames Valley Police’s £393 million annual policing budget is funded by central government, with the policing element of your council tax making up the remainder. Since 2010/11 the police grant has been cut by around 38% in real terms which has resulted in Thames Valley Police (TVP) having to make £99 million of savings in order to balance the budget. These cuts have already led to a manpower reduction of over 1,000 full time equivalent posts, including more than 450 police officers.

Setting the budget for 2018/19 needs to be considered in the context of an already constrained financial position as well as the additional pressures policing faces as demand in some of the most complex and challenging areas continues to increase. This includes rising reports and cases of hidden crimes such as domestic abuse, child abuse, sexual offences, serious violence and exploitation have all increased the pressure on police resources.

Needless to say this is proving to be extremely challenging and without the increase of £12 per year in council tax, as recommended by the Home Secretary, we would have to make further significant reductions in police officers and staff which will affect the level and quality of policing service we are able to offer you.

In November 2017 TVP was judged by the Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) to be ‘outstanding’ in the efficiency with which it keeps people safe and reduces crime. This includes an ‘outstanding’ for its understanding of demand and its use of resources to manage demand, and its planning for future demand was judged to be ‘good’. Thames Valley Police was one of only two forces nationally to have been awarded an overall rating of outstanding.

Ideally I would not choose to consult over the busy Christmas and New Year period and particularly on such an important issue, however, the Chief Constable and I only received the provisional police grant settlement for 2018/19 from the Home Office on Tuesday 19th December. Unfortunately due to budget decisions needing to be finalised by the end of January I am only able to run the consultation until midday on Thursday 11th January. I apologise for the timing and length of the consultation period but I hope you will take the time to complete the survey which will help the Chief Constable and I to make an informed decision on the budget for 2018/19.

Today I have launched a short online survey to seek your views on this increase, which can be found on the below link and I would encourage you to complete it and share widely:

Those residents who do not have access to the internet can write to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Thames Valley Police Headquarters, Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxon, OX5 2NX with your answers to the below questions.

Question 1
Do you think an extra £12 per year in council tax, for a Band D property, to help protect operational policing in Thames Valley would be money well spent?

Yes / No

Question 2
If you have answered No to question 1 will you please explain why and propose an alternative annual increase that you believe is justified and will enable the Force to do their job effectively?

Please note that all responses needs to be received by midday on Thursday 11th January 2018