Windmill Road latest

Here’s the action we’ve taken on issues raised by residents:

  • pavement defects near the Sue Ryder shop will be made good inside 24 hours
  • overhanging vegetation at 34 will be cut back within 28 days
  • owners of bins left out on pavements will receive advice from the Community Support Officer

Here are the latest speeding stats in Windmill Road from Thames Valley Police

3 speeding operations have been carried out in the 30mph section with the following results:

18/07/2014 1900-2000 hours – out of 197 cars 3 were travelling over 30mph

09/08/2014 1400-1500 hours – out of 224 cars 4 were travelling over 30mph

29/10/2014 0830-0930 hours – out of 86 cars 0 were travelling over 30mph.

Therefore out of the 507 cars that were monitored, only 7 were over 30mph (the fastest going at 38mph (5mph over the speed a ticket could be given at)). As a percentage only 1.38% of cars were speeding, and then not excessively.

The accident data shows there were 2 accidents in Windmill road in 2013 which resulted in injury. One accident was caused by a car pulling out of a junction and hitting a cyclist. The other was a car wing mirror clipping a cyclist. In both cases speed was not a contributing factor. The Police only record accident data where there is an injury caused.

In 2011 Speed data was captured over a 24 hour period using one of the black boxes. This showed the average speed over a 24 hour period was 23.1 miles per hour and when looking at the 85th percentile, the average speed was 29.6. It is the 85th percentile that tends to be looked at when deciding if a there is a problem or not. As this is still within the 30mph limit, then the data shows there is not a speeding problem on Windmill road that requires further resources in relation to increasing road safety.

Forthcoming City events

  • World Vision Fundraising Stall on Bonn Square, Monday 24 – Friday 28 November each day from 8am – 5pm. The world’s largest international children’s charity.
  • TRAX Scruffy Bike Sale on Bonn Square, Saturday 29 November from 9am to 5pm. Used bikes fixed up by underprivileged youth will be sold at bargain prices.
  • Shelter Boxes, homeless relief kits, will be displayed on Bonn Square, Saturday 29 November from 9am to 5pm. The Shelter Boxes will be displayed and volunteers will be requesting money.
  • Guide Dogs charity promotion on Bonn Square from Tuesday 2 December to Saturday 6 December, 9am to 5pm.
  • Rose Hill Christmas Party at Rose Hill, The Oval, Thursday 6 December. Switch on of lights on Christmas trees. Music and singing around the tree dependant on weather conditions.
  • Oxford Arts Market on Broad Street, Saturday and Sunday, 6 – 7 December each day from 9am-5pm. This Street Market features local artists, designers and craft makers supporting small scale creative industries from Oxfordshire.
  • Oxford Christmas Market on Broad Street, Thursday 11 December to Sunday 21 December from 10am to 7pm. Oxford’s Christmas market will have nearly 50 vendors selling Christmas gifts, seasonal treats, and entertainment, giving the city centre an atmosphere of
  • Charity Row to the North Pole on Bonn Square, Saturday 13 December from 9am to 6 pm. Charitable “rowing machine” row for athletes of Hinksey Sculling School.
  • SEAA Cross Country Championship in Horspath and Shotover Parks, Saturday 13 December from 11.30am. Secondary schools cross country event.
  • Santa Fun Run is starting in Catte Street, Sunday 7 December from 8.30 am to 10.15 am. Participants in this 2 mile fun run around the city centre will be dressed as Santa.
  • World Vision on Bonn Square, from the 16 to the 20 of December from 8am to 5pm. Fundraising from a gazebo for the world’s poor, with projects around the world.
  • Living Nativity at Blackbird Leys Park, Wednesday 17 December from 6pm to 7pm. Children will have the opportunity to interact with some nativity-themed animals e.g. camels for the three kings, sheep for the shepherds and a donkey for Mary and Joseph. We will have three areas where children will sing carols, and a stall selling refreshments. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Thames Valley Orienteering Club (TVOC) Orienteering Event at Shotover and Brasenose Woods, Sunday 21 December from, 8am to 4pm. Orienteering event (running with maps).
  • The Fresh Dixie Project on Bonn Square, Tuesday 23 December all day. Live jazz and swing busking concert.

This week’s planning decisions

Three this week: two permitted, one withdrawn that has been called in by local councillors


Demolition of existing house. Erection of 1 x 5 bedroom dwelling house (Use Class C3) and formation of a basement to form 1 x 1 bedroom flat (Use Class C3). Provision of car parking space, private amenity space, bin and cycle stores.

153 Headley Way Headington


Display of 1 x externally illuminated fascia sign, 1 non illuminated fascia sign, 3 non illuminate fascia logos and  2 externally illuminated projecting signs.

Londis Supermarket  116-120 London Road


Demolition of existing rear extension. Erection of single storey rear extension.

64 Stapleton Road Headington


Date for your diary at 6pm on Tuesday!

Our next Headington Ward Focus Meeting will take place on Tuesday 25 November at the Manor Hospital in Beech Road from 6.00-8.00 pm.

One guest speaker is from the City Council’s Parks department who will tell us about Bury Knowle Park and we also welcome back PCSO Vic Phillips who will tell us about traffic speed operations.

All welcome! Ward Focus meetings are run on a drop in and out basis and are free of charge. There is an open session where residents can raise issues of concern.

We shall provide those who attend with a written report of the actions we have taken on the issues you raised last time, and also a list of current planning applications in the ward.

This week’s planning decisions in Headington Ward


Erection of two storey side and rear extension. Formation of hip to gable roof. Formation of Juliet balconies at side and rear. Formation of 1 dormer window to rear roofslope and 1 dormer window to front roofslope and insertion of 4 rooflights in association with loft conversion. Erection of a garage.

15 Sandfield Road Headington

Ms Wenwei Zhang



Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 14/00729/FUL (erection of 1 x 5-bed dwelling)  to allow insertion of additional windows

Land Adjacent 134 Lime Walk Headington

Linfield Ltd



Erection of single storey rear and two storey side extension (amended plans)

36 Staunton Road Oxford

Mrs Barbara Mallinder And Mr C Furness

Christmas Carols with the Headington Singers

This year the Headington Singers are putting on a festive concert of carols for choir and audience, with readings from Dylan Thomas, Sylvia Plath, Laurie Lee and John Julius Norwich to get you in the festive spirit.

A celebration of Christmas

Conductor Sally Mears with Alfredson Brass

Friday 5 December at 7.30pm

All Saints Church, Lime Walk, Headington


Tickets on the door £10/£8 – children under 10 free of charge