Latest planning decisions

Permission has been granted on delegated authority for the following four applications:

15/02535/FUL    Erection of first floor rear extension. Formation of 1 dormer window in association with loft conversion (Amended plans and description)     6 Staunton Road Oxford

15/02662/FUL    Provision of mobile theatre unit for a temporary period of up to 12 months.  John Radcliffe Hospital  Headley Way

15/02691/FUL    Erection of single storey rear and first floor side extensions     5 York Road Oxford

15/02732/CPU   Application to certify that alterations to roof to form hip to gable, formation of 1 dormer window to rear roofslope and insertion of 2 front rooflights and 1 window to side elevation in association with loft conversion is lawful development. 65 Langley Close Oxford

Rail services over Christmas from Oxford Station

Paddington station will be closed for four days from Christmas Day through to Monday 28 December. This followed by a further six days of reduced access.

Train services will also finish earlier than normal on Thursday 24 December.  

As usual no trains will run on Christmas Day or Boxing Day, on Sunday 27 and Monday 28 December no services will travel to Paddington. Trains will operate to Waterloo and to Marylebone, and a range of bus services will be offered in the Thames Valley.

Services will also be altered from Tuesday 29 December until Sunday 3 January.

This will allow Network Rail to

·        complete major station improvements at London Paddington, Ealing Broadway, West Ealing, Southall, Hayes & Harlington and West Drayton stations for Crossrail

·        upgrade existing overhead line equipment as part of the Great Western mainline electrification programme

·        reconfigure the railway junction into Old Oak Common depot

Tickets for these revised timetables are now on sale. More information can be found here and an extensive programme of customer information is planned both in the lead up to Christmas and throughout the works.



Update on Access to Headington scheme

We have received the following advice from the County Council.

Firstly, the designs are currently being reviewed in light of all responses received during the consultation. Part of this work involves undertaking further surveys so we have a thorough understanding of the local area. We need this information to confirm whether any changes to designs and proposals are feasible. Therefore it is too early to confirm how we are going to take comments/concerns into account.

Once the above has been undertaken then we will hold a second consultation, probably February/March next year. This will be in the same format as before, with a number of exhibitions held throughout the area. This will give residents an opportunity to see how their comments/concerns have been addressed. This will include consultation on any Traffic Regulation Orders. I would like to stress that even at this stage, changes can still be made to the designs and proposals, and further rounds of consultation may be required.

Approval for any Traffic Regulation Orders will be made by the Cabinet Member for Environment. This will require us to publish comments received during the TRO consultation(s), including our responses. As you will know, this is a public meeting and so local residents will be welcome to attend.

Timescales set out on the webpage are indicative at this stage and could be subject to change.

There is no indication that the full set of residents’ comments from the first round of consultation will be published.


Latest on Stansfeld Outdoor Education Centre

County Councillor Roz Smith writes:

I've had confirmation from Birmingham City Council this morning that the
successful bid, subject to contract, for the 250 year lease of the Stansfeld
Outdoor Education Centre, Quarry Road was from The Oxford Trust.  The two
unsuccessful bidders, Oxford Co-Housing Group and a care home provider had been
advised too.
This afternoon I met with Steve Burgess, the chief executive at The Oxford
Trust, on behalf of the Friends of Stansfeld group.   Steve explained the
trust's vision for the site which includes an innovation centre for start-up
companies and entrepreneurs working in science and technology, a new education
centre, plus an on-site cafe and a 100 seat theatre venue for use by visitors
to the new Wood Centre for Science & Innovation.  They have posted a press
release with more details and I am sure this news will be in the local media
On a personal note, I am pleased that the site will continue to be used for
educational purposes and that the Oxford Trust is looking to enhance the
facilities and to have managed public access and that the wood land area will
be respected. However, I was surprised that the Oxford City Council has not
required at least some homes to be built on the brownfield area.

Access to Headington update

The County Council has published a summary of themes coming out of the recent public consultation on their Access to Headington proposals.

These are:

Access to Headington
Summary of feedback from the public consultation on the initial proposals

General/area-wide comments

  Numerous respondents were concerned by proposals to remove grass verges and trees to accommodate junction improvements, bus priority and pedestrian/cycle facilities. For many the loss of any trees would be unacceptable. Other respondents understood why this might be required in places but felt the impact of proposals could be minimised and mitigated through additional trees being planted in the local area.


  There were many comments relating to proposals to remove on-street parking to provide bus or cycle lanes. Whilst some respondents welcomed the potential changes, such as cyclists and commuters, residents directly affected were generally against the idea, and those living nearby were concerned about the potential knock-on effect of more parking in neighbouring side-roads. Some respondents also felt the loss of parking would result in increased traffic speeds.


  The introduction of raised entry treatments at side roads was met with mixed views with some regarding them as a positive addition in so far as they would improve safety for vulnerable users such as the elderly, young children and cyclists. Other respondents felt they provided little benefit and cited concerns about confusion over who has right of way, maintenance costs, and potential drainage issues.


  Some respondents felt proposals should accommodate additional measures in areas of Headington outside the main project area. In particular, respondents wanted improvements to manage the amount and speed of traffic using routes off the main highway, together with improvements to adjoining walking and cycling routes.


  Many respondents welcomed proposals to provide uniform and consistent cycle route provision. Some respondents thought more could be done, particularly full- or semi-segregated cycle lanes, as well as greater priority for cyclists at junctions. Some respondents concerned about the loss of trees thought narrower cycle lanes would be acceptable.

Location specific comments

  Proposed alterations along Cherwell Drive including the provision of a bus lane led to a number of comments, mostly against the proposal. Many respondents raised concerns such as visual impacts as well as the potential for an increase in noise and vibration, and issues with drainage.


  Respondents were broadly welcoming of proposals to replace the Marston Road, Headley Way double mini-roundabout with a signalised junction, and were supportive of giving more priority to pedestrians and cyclists in particular. The loss of trees and grass verges was however a concern along with the proposal to switch access arrangements at the shops.

 Residents on Headley Way raised concerns about the potential loss of the lower footway and impact this could have on accessing their properties.

  Issues regarding access and the traffic impact of the John Radcliffe Hospital were raised frequently, with respondents suggesting alternative improvements should be considered including a direct road link between the hospital and the A40 Northern Bypass, a dedicated hospital Park and Ride site, and additional on-site parking.

  There were concerns about proposed carriageway widening in Osler Road. Some considered the grass verges to be an important amenity and there were also concerns about reducing footway widths. A number of respondents thought a new pedestrian crossing on London Road, linking Lime Walk with Osler Road, should be considered.

  Proposals to install a diagonal pedestrian crossing at the junction of Windmill Road and London Road were broadly welcomed. A number of respondents suggested options for improving the design of this measure, whilst other respondents highlighted concerns about the potential implication on queuing traffic at the junction.

  There were a number of comments received regarding the widening of the pedestrian and cycle route between the Churchill Hospital and Massey Close, with some residents concerned that this might encourage use by motorised traffic.

  Some respondents were concerned about how the bus lane would be enforced in Churchill Drive, and how access to Boundary Brook House could be maintained.

  Proposals to re-grade the carriageway and footway along Old Road, to provide more space for cycle lanes, received a mixed response. Most respondents welcomed proposals to improve cycle lanes, but there were others who were concerned about the impact of the re-grading particularly to frontages and the grass verges and hedges along the road.

  A number of respondents felt more could be done to improve cycle priority at the Hollow Way/The Slade/Horspath Driftway junction.

Next steps

Following the consultation on initial proposals the next stage of design work is now underway. During the next few months the county council will be considering the comments received in more detail and undertaking additional surveys and site investigations to inform the ongoing development of the designs and proposals. Further design work and surveys are required before officers can tell people about any changes to the proposals in response to their feedback. The webpage therefore also confirms the next steps in terms of further consultation:

  • Second round of consultation, focusing mainly on formal consultation on Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) – February/March 2016
  • Cabinet Member Decision on TROs – May/June 2016
  • Construction – summer 2016 to spring 2018


Over the coming weeks and months various surveys will be taking place across the project area; you may see the survey teams on site. This will start with tree surveys which will commence Monday 19th October, and will continue through the week. Other surveys have yet to be confirmed.

The surveys are required to help the County Council gather more detailed information about the area and help inform the on-going design process.

Application to vary premises licence for New Year at Jacobs and Field

15/04664/PREM  Extend hours for Sale of Alcohol and Late Night Refreshment on New Year’s Eve until 01:00 hours the following day, venue to be closed at 01:30 hours. (On Sales Only)

Jacobs & Field, 15 Old High Street

Latest date for comments in writing: 06-11-2015 to

The Licensing Authority, Oxford City Council St Aldates Chambers, 109 St Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1DS,

or by email to: