Access to Headington
Summary of feedback from the public consultation on the initial proposals
General/area-wide comments
Numerous respondents were concerned by proposals to remove grass verges and trees to accommodate junction improvements, bus priority and pedestrian/cycle facilities. For many the loss of any trees would be unacceptable. Other respondents understood why this might be required in places but felt the impact of proposals could be minimised and mitigated through additional trees being planted in the local area.
There were many comments relating to proposals to remove on-street parking to provide bus or cycle lanes. Whilst some respondents welcomed the potential changes, such as cyclists and commuters, residents directly affected were generally against the idea, and those living nearby were concerned about the potential knock-on effect of more parking in neighbouring side-roads. Some respondents also felt the loss of parking would result in increased traffic speeds.
The introduction of raised entry treatments at side roads was met with mixed views with some regarding them as a positive addition in so far as they would improve safety for vulnerable users such as the elderly, young children and cyclists. Other respondents felt they provided little benefit and cited concerns about confusion over who has right of way, maintenance costs, and potential drainage issues.
Some respondents felt proposals should accommodate additional measures in areas of Headington outside the main project area. In particular, respondents wanted improvements to manage the amount and speed of traffic using routes off the main highway, together with improvements to adjoining walking and cycling routes.
Many respondents welcomed proposals to provide uniform and consistent cycle route provision. Some respondents thought more could be done, particularly full- or semi-segregated cycle lanes, as well as greater priority for cyclists at junctions. Some respondents concerned about the loss of trees thought narrower cycle lanes would be acceptable.
Location specific comments
Proposed alterations along Cherwell Drive including the provision of a bus lane led to a number of comments, mostly against the proposal. Many respondents raised concerns such as visual impacts as well as the potential for an increase in noise and vibration, and issues with drainage.
Respondents were broadly welcoming of proposals to replace the Marston Road, Headley Way double mini-roundabout with a signalised junction, and were supportive of giving more priority to pedestrians and cyclists in particular. The loss of trees and grass verges was however a concern along with the proposal to switch access arrangements at the shops.
Residents on Headley Way raised concerns about the potential loss of the lower footway and impact this could have on accessing their properties.