Closure of Richards Medical Centre, Old High Street



Patients at the Richards Medical Centre have been advised that it will close at the end of the summer for a number of reasons. The decision has been prompted by the retirement of senior partner Dr Peter Saunders who has worked in Headington for 26 years.

More details are available from the practice website

The practice will be holding drop in sessions for its patients to come and discuss their concerns with staff at the Centre on:

  • Thursday 2nd June from 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.
  • Thursday 9th June from 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.

We have checked with the practice and are assured that there are spare places on patient lists at other practices in Headington, including the Manor Surgery and Bury Knowle.

Ruth will be going to the drop-in session on Thursday 2nd June at 7:30. If you are a patient, and want her to ask a question on your behalf, please get in touch.

Headington Festival weekend 4th and 5th June Bury Knowle Park

SATURDAY 10:00-15:00 in Headington Centre

There will be Street Entertainment including

  • Food & Craft Stalls
  • Art Events
  • Juggler
  • Music, Dancing & Singing
  • Treasure Island Competition
  • Raffle
  • plus a Fun Fair in Bury Knowle Park

SUNDAY 13:00-17:00 in Bury Knowle Park

  • Funfair
  • Sports Demonstrations & Have-A-Go!
  • Dance Exhibitions
  • Magic
  • Softplay
  • Art
  • Facepainting
  • Local Organisations Stalls and more!

Entry Free!! | Follow it @HeadingtonFest

EU: IN or OUT?

Want to have your say? Then come along!


Asian Cultural Centre

Manzil Way, off Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1 GH (parking in the Mosque car-park by kind permission)

Friday, June 3, 7pm-9pm

Organised by the European Movement, Oxford Region Branch


What it means for Oxford’s communities

Mrs Anuja Prashar, founder of Communities4Europe, discusses the social and economic issues in the EU referendum debate and answers your questions

The Lord Mayor of Oxford, Cllr Mohammed Altaf­Khan, will open the event

Mr Abdul Aziz, Chair of Oxford Central Mosque, will chair the discussion


For further information contact

Planning appeal

An appeal has been lodged concerning refusal of planning consent, and will be settled by written representations.

2 Piper Street, Oxford,


Application to certify that proposed dormer extension to rear roofslope and insertion of 1 rooflight in association with loft conversion is lawful development.

First newsletter about Beech House development (Latimer Road student accommodation)

We have received the first newsletter from Winvic and reproduce it in full for our residents’ information.


MAY 2016

Project title – Beech House, Latimer Road, Oxford, OX3 7PF Project duration – 59 Weeks

Current Week No. -1


Winvic have been appointed to construct the Beech House student accommodation development on Latimer Road, Oxford.

The project comprises of the demolition works to 4 existing dwellings inclusive of external walls and garden sheds.

A temporary heras fence will be installed to the perimeter of site to allow the external walls to be demolished to allow the permanent timber hoarding to be installed.

The main development consists of the construction of a five storey Student Accommodation ground with basement & a 4 storey Residential Accommodation in a separate apartment block, adjacent to main development.

The main elements of the development will consist of secant piling and tanking works to the basement, steel frame, brick work, render, external windows and roof works.

Works and phasing will take into account the neighbourhood and congestion.



We will keep you regularly updated on the status of the works with a monthly newsletter, however should you have any queries or concerns regarding the project please do not hesitate to contact our Project Manager, Nick Lakin 077209 71948.


The associated Demolition works for the Project are due to commence on site during week commencing 31st May 2016.

However, the initial works which comprise of the erection of temporary Fencing to allow the boundary walls to be removed and the installation of the permanent timber hoarding are due to commence during week commencing 23rd May 2016.

Throughout our works we will liaise closely with the surrounding Businesses and Residents and issue regular newsletters highlighting our forthcoming works.

  • Vehicular traffic will be monitored and major deliveries booked in to minimise any disruption caused to local businesses and close neighbours.
  • Site logistic plans will be posted at the front of site and updated within the newsletters.
  • Dust and noise will be monitored throughout our works working closely with the local authorities to manage our construction works as efficiently as possible.

Nick Lakin

Project Manager
Winvic Construction Ltd
Brampton House, 19 Tenter Road Moulton Park, Northampton NN3 6PZ

T +44 (0)1604 678960 F +44 (0)1604 671021 E

  • At Winvic we believe in working closely with community to minimise any disturbance our works may cause and will be enrolling in the considerate constructor’s scheme to ensure only the highest standards are achieved.


As another element of our quality control, we aim to reduce the impact of our work on the neighbours by following the codes of practice set out in the Considerate Constructors Scheme [CCS], to which all Winvic projects are entered. This automatically measures how we deal with public questions and complaints.


Latest local planning decisions

All these have been granted planning permission.

John Radcliffe Hospital Headley Way  15/03671/FUL 

Erection of compound to house a liquid oxygen tank to provide medical gas to the hospital site. Formation of hard standing for delivery vehicles and provision of barrier with replacement of existing balustrade.(additional information)




44 Franklin Road Oxford 16/00131/FUL

Erection of two storey front extension incorporating roof extension and single storey rear extension. Formation of 2No rear dormer windows and insertion of rooflights in association with loft conversion (Amended plans).



24 Stephen Road Oxford 16/00605/FUL

Erection of a single storey rear extension.




3B York Road Oxford 16/00770/FUL

Erection of single storey side extension.


26 Staunton Road Oxford 16/00992/CPU

Application to certify that proposed roof alteration to form hip to gable, formation of 2No dormer windows and insertion of rooflights in association with loft conversion is lawful development.

Councillors’ comments on Access to Headington

Here are the comments we sent to the County Council this evening.

Access to Headington design proposals retaining some parking 

Submission by Headington City Councillors Ruth Wilkinson, Altaf-Khan, and Headington & Quarry County Councillor Roz Smith and team

The comments are focused on the latest proposals and should be read in conjunction with our previous submission.

General points

These comments on the new proposals have been written after listening to the views of local residents and businesses, at street surgery meetings, informal public meetings and from phone calls and email messages. Cllr Roz Smith also attended the invited meeting at Speedwell House on 19th May with residents. Some details are not given in the proposals so questions remain.

We are pleased that the requests of local residents to retain some on road parking in Headley Way and Windmill Road have been accommodated in the revised proposals, but remain very concerned about safety aspects relating to some of the alternative proposed parking bays.

Residents do not understand why there are 20MPH speed restrictions on London Road and Old Road, which are similarly congested at rush hour times, yet Windmill Road and Headley Way with their schools and hospitals are still designated as 30MPH. This seems illogical and counter-intuitive to both residents and councillors and it would be helpful for the County Council to give a clear explanation of why this is the case. Speed of traffic, particularly out of hours, is a worry for residents in both roads and the introduction of solar powered speed signs at the very least would help to allay their fears.

With regard to cycle lanes throughout the Access to Headington scheme, we believe that guidance by DFT in Local transport note 2/08: “Cycle infrastructure design” should be followed. Maintenance of cycle routes must be included in current proposals otherwise people may stop using them.

We recommend that repeater bike symbols are used in advisory cycle lanes and that cycle lanes are visibly delineated with physical features.

Headley Way

This road is recognised as one of the main arteries into and from the JR Hospital and central Headington, but also has a considerable number of homes without access to off road parking, so the retention of some parking spaces is welcomed. However it is noted that 11 spaces within the CPZ will be lost and there are concerns that parking near to homes will become more difficult.

  • Residents tell us that the 2 hour parking bays (no restrictions at weekends) outside St Joseph’s School are used by parents during term time, morning and afternoon and by visitors to the JR, especially at the weekends, when cars are often parked for the whole weekend so there is local support for retention of these bays.
  • We note that the proposed Toucan crossing on Headley Way is not set out on the Headley Way map in the latest consultation. We have a written assurance that the proposal is still to upgrade the existing crossing outside the school to a Toucan, and we believe this is definitely needed so that up to 11 residents can cross to side roads to find a space to park overnight
  • We note that vehicles will be parked half on and half off the carriageway and that the lower footway will be widened with retaining walls to hold earth back. We share residents’ concerns about the materials used for the retaining walls, and residents have asked whether the materials chosen will have sound-proofing properties?
  • The width of all footways should be able to accommodate mobility scooters and double buggies
  • There are local concerns about surface water drainage as residents are aware of an underground spring. The water is currently taken up by trees which are due to be removed, so we believe it may be expedient to investigate this further before the June cabinet member decision meeting.
  • Tree removal at the junction with Marston Road is also a concern because there are already surface water drainage problems in that location.
  • We have safety concerns relating to the poor state of maintenance of steps to be retained, and would strongly recommend that the steps and upper path be repaired prior to the start of works to Lower Headley Way.
  • We seek an assurance that the slopes to the higher footways will be DDA compliant.
  • There is concern about the positioning of bus stops – there are two proposed bus stops either side of Headley Way which are staggered, and residents fear that near misses may arise if queued vehicles try to edge out behind parked buses when two buses arrive at the same time.
  • There is continuing concern about the change in direction of traffic outside the shops from both residents and businesses.
  • Some residents have requested that traffic flows could be measured more accurately at different times of the day if temporary trial traffic lights were to be installed.

Windmill Road

The proposal for the retention of some on road parking bays is welcome but councillors and residents still have safety concerns about the location of some of the proposed new parking bays in adjoining roads (see our previous comments).

We support the Windmill Road residents’ group’s suggestion to incorporate trees if possible into the streetscene at each end of new parking bays as this would reinforce the impression to drivers that Windmill Road is a residential area and would also bring environmental benefits.

We recognize that the proposed Tiger crossing will be needed by residents needing to cross the busy road to access parking by the NOC. We have received an objection from two residents about its proposed location with a preference for it to be moved further south towards 149 or 157 with a re-adjustment of parking bays, however the Windmill Road residents’ action group supports its current location.

We have had mixed reactions to the removal of all 2 hour or 1 hour parking from Windmill Road. Resident parking places should be paramount and there is concern that staff and visitors to the NOC might fill up spaces, but we do note that there may be a need for the designation of one 1 or 2 hour parking space for use, for example, by visitors to tenants in Windmill House. We would also support the idea that an electric vehicle charging point could be installed within the area of Windmill Road and its adjacent streets.

We still believe strongly that a toucan crossing should be installed as near as possible to the Bateman Street junction (see comments in our last submission). Reasons include:

  • This would improve connectivity for cyclists travelling from Green Road roundabout/Barton along London Road and St Leonard’s Road across to the major employment sites an access route to major employment sites off Old Road
  • This is a key crossing point for young children and their parents from the Highfield and New Headington areas on their journey to and from St Andrew’s and Windmill Primary Schools
  • It would assist residents in upper Windmill Road whose parking has been removed to access additional spaces proposed in New Headington

Speeding vehicles are a constant concern for many residents. We would like to see a 20mph limit throughout its length, especially as Windmill Road is a main access route to an orthopaedic hospital and a primary school. However residents are adamant that any 20 MPH designation must be enforceable, this does not happen currently in other parts of Headington.


How to apply or renew your parking permit

The Parking Shop is moving online and will be closing on Tuesday 31st May. To apply or renew a Parking Permit, apply for Visitors’ Permits or pay a fine, please visit

If you are unsure about using the internet or don’t have access, call the Customer Service Centre on 0845 310 1111 from 1st June or if you require help prior to the 1st June please call The Parking Shop Team on 0845 634 4466. For any other query please visit

Latest decisions on planning applications

..are listed below. One was withdrawn, one was refused, and the rest were given planning permission.




4 Lime Walk 15/03755/FUL

Erection of two storey building to create 4 x 2-bed flats etc.



92 Staunton Road 16/00716/REF

Erection of boundary fence (retrospective)



The Stables, North Place 14/00422/VAR

Variations of conditions re windows and doors re 13/026645/FUL


155 Headley Way 16/00512/FUL

Demolition of existing house. Erection of 1 x 5-bed dwelling etc.


61 Sandfield Road 16/00751/FUL

Change of use to HMO


101 London Road 16/00659/ADV

Display of advertising signs