A40 consultation – proposed 50 MPH speed limit restriction

Here are the proposals from the County Council which are out to consultation. Any objections or other representations on the proposal should be submitted by 10th October 2014.

RE: CONSULTATION – A40 by Barton Park Development, Oxford – Proposed 50mph Speed Limit & various restrictions

We are writing to seek your views on the proposals above, which are being put forward as a result of the development of land adjacent to the A40 at Barton, the proposals consist of a section of 50mph speed limit in place of the current 70mph speed limit and the construction of a signalled junction giving access to the development.

Notice is hereby given that Oxfordshire County Council proposes to make the above orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers.  A signalised junction is to be created for the new Barton Park development, and to facilitate the safe operation of the junction and other affected roads, the proposed orders include the following provisions:


1. to introduce a 50mph speed limit (in place of 70mph speed limit) on the A40 northern bypass from the existing 30mph limit west of Headington roundabout to the following points:

a) on the westbound carriageway for a distance of 2080 metres, and

b) on the eastbound carriageway for a distance of 2430 metres.


2. Restrictions on turning movements at the junction:

a) comprising a prohibition of U turns on both approaches of the A40; a prohibition of the left turn from the westbound carriageway of the A40 into the proposed link road between the A40 and Foxwell Drive+; a prohibition of the right turn from the eastbound carriageway of the A40 into the proposed link road between the A40 and Foxwell Drive.

b) A restriction of the use the proposed link road link road between the A40 and Foxwell Drive to limit, with only local buses and cyclists being permitted to use the road in either direction.


3. create a short `ahead only` Bus Lane at the southbound exit from the new development for Buses (and cycles) to cross the A40.  ( Parts of these proposals will only be implemented if the new link road to Foxwell Drive is built.)

The Oxfordshire County Council (Oxford Area – A40) (Speed Limits) Order 2012 will be revoked and replaced. A copy of the proposed Orders and detailed documents may be inspected at County Hall, New Road, Oxford, OX1 1ND between 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Objections to the proposals and other representations specifying the grounds on which they are made may be sent in to the address below by the 10 October 2014.

The Council will consider objections and representations received in response to this Notice. They may be disseminated widely for these purposes and made available to the public.

Traffic Regulation Team (Ref: AK/12.6.320) on behalf of Director for Environment and Economy, Speedwell House, Oxford, OX1 1NE.

Your councillors have copies of the plans for the junction and of the area affected by the speed limits. These are too large to upload to this website but please contact either us or the County Council if you would like a copy.

We shall bring copies to our next Ward Focus Meeting on 30 September at Headington School hall from 6.00-8.00pm




Barton Park – public briefing on Thursday

Following the granting of outline planning permission last year for the Barton Park development (see Barton Park: 13/01383/OUT), the applicant is preparing to submit “Reserved Matters” planning application/s in relation to key strategic infrastructure for the site, which is anticipated to be reported to the East Area Planning Committee for decision before the end of 2014.

This application/s will contain details of the junction arrangements to the A40, the main spinal road, including the two public squares, surface water and foul drainage, the linear Park and any earthworks needed to re-level parts of the site.

This briefing has been arranged for the applicants to update Councillors both in terms of these infrastructure works, as well as on progress to date on detailed proposals to deliver the residential and other development on the site.

This meeting is open to members of the public. All are welcome to attend. There is no need to contact the Council beforehand.

Location: Oxford Town Hall

Thursday 24 July


PS Ruth agrees that 17.00 is a very poor start time for people with full-time jobs outside Oxford, and for those who pick up children from school and nursery straight after work. She constantly complains about this to officers!