Headington stabbing

It is with shock and sadness that we learned about the stabbing at the Headington Co-op yesterday afternoon. A young women was treated on the scene and taken to the JR. We understand her condition to be serious but not life threatening. Our thoughts are with her and her family.

We thank all the members of the emergency service for their quick response and the members of the community who helped. We have been reassured that the incident is not linked to the recent murder in East Oxford or any other organised criminality, and that there is therefore no risk of any wider community impact.

Police continue to search for the offender who is described as black, of large build with short dark hair. He was wearing a bomber jacket and a tracksuit at the time of the incident. There will be an increased police presence for the next few days and residents are encouraged to stop and speak to the officers if they have any questions or concerns. Police warn not to approach the attacker but to call 999 instead. If you have any information please call 101 or use the online service.

McMaster House – tree works

19/00471/TPO | Works to various trees as specified by Oxford Tree Surgeons as indentified in the Oxford City Council – Latimer Road (No.1) TPO, 2005. | McMaster House Latimer Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 7PX



Blue badge amnesty, 11 – 22 February 2019

What difference does one parking space make? A lot to people with reduced mobility.

Oxfordshire County Council is introducing a temporary amnesty – between 11 and 22 February – to allow people to hand-in badges they’re not entitled to – No questions asked.

But, the council has warned there will be tough action, following the amnesty, against anyone continuing to abuse the scheme.

The Blue Badges could have expired, belong to another person or no longer be necessary. Motorists can hand them in at County Hall, or at any library around the county, or send them to: Blue Badge Service, PO Box 873, Oxford, OX1 9NY.

Video link

For further information about the Blue Badge scheme, including how to apply online, visit the website:


Old Road Campus – next development, Public consultation 8 & 9 Febr 2019

There will be two public consultations this week on the next major development on the Old Rd campus, Churchill Drive, OX3 7LQ. The proposed new building  (Institute of Developmental and Regenerative Medicine – IDRM) will bring together 200+ world-leading researchers in the fields of developmental biology and regenerative medicine.

Members of the University and design team will be available to answer questions and receive feedback on plans at Boundary Brook House (aka Park Hospital) on

Friday, 8 February, 4.00 – 7.00 pm,
Saturday, 9 February, 10.00 am – 1.00 pm.
Queries to:

A bit of advice from the Oxford Hospital Trust

Hospitals get very busy in colder weather, especially A&E.

  • Winter is generally a very busy time for the NHS and health services in general – A&E in particular gets very busy, so please don’t attend unless it is a genuine medical emergency
  • 111 is the NHS’s non-emergency telephone number. It is  open 24 hours a day and is fast, easy and free. Your symptoms will be assessed over the phone by a healthcare professional who will then immediately direct you to the best medical care for your symptoms
  • Local community pharmacies can help you with lots of everyday ailments
  • Get your flu jab – flu can be very serious for people over 65, people with long-term conditions such as diabetes, or kidney or heart conditions.  Pregnant women are also at risk
  • If you start to feel unwell, don’t wait until it gets more serious – seek advice from your pharmacist in the first instance
  • Make sure your own medicine cabinet is stocked up with cough and cold remedies, and that you’re up to date with your prescription medicine
  • Keep an eye out for your elderly neighbours
  • Keep your home warm
  • Visit the NHS Stay Well website for more information

No photo description available.Consensus at last – everyone agrees that Brexit is a mess!

It is now clear that the promised Brexit cannot be delivered.
We have run Brexit surveys and stalls to listen to local residents’ views on Brexit. Local Brexitometers have consistently shown support for an Exit from Brexit through a People’s Vote. There is far less support for a General Election, at least until Brexit has been resolved.

Anneliese Dodds in parliament yesterday mentioned that over 2000 constituents have contacted her and only a handful supported the deal. She indicated that she is listening; so write to her, and if you have already, write again. #PeoplesVote

Email Stef if you have any European Union questions or would like to help with the campaign.