There are two this week for extensions in Beech Road and Sandfield Road. Click here for more details.
Latest planning decisions in Headington Ward
Erection of single storey rear extension and first floor side extension. Roof alterations to existing rear breakfast room. Insertion of 2 no. windows and 1 no. rooflight to side elevation. Formation of hip to gable and 1 x dormer window to rear elevation in association with loft conversion. (Additional information)
21A Stapleton Road Oxford
Erection of single storey rear extension (amended plans received 6/1/15)
14 Bateman Street Oxford
Application to certify that proposed rear dormer window and front rooflight is lawful development.
24 Stapleton Road Oxford
The following application was withdrawn
Erection of two storey rear extension (amended plans)
94 Old High Street Headington
Come along to Tuesday’s Headington Ward Focus meeting!
It’s on 24 February at the Manor Hospital from 6:00-7:30 pm. with guest speakers talking about antisocial behaviour and getting in touch with the council.
All welcome! It’s free and you can raise any issue with your councillors
Will Headington Post Office move to the Co-op?
The Mid-Counties Co-op has confirmed to us that it has expressed strong interest in hosting Headington Post Office within its current supermarket premises in London Road.
Residents may remember that the Cowley Centre post office relocated from Barns Road to the Co-op in Templars Square and is very well used.
If the Co-op is to go ahead, a public consultation will be held. This is encouraging news for those residents who had heard rumours that Headington’s Post Office would close. No timescales are confirmed at present.
Latest B56 planning application
And what is a B56 application? asked your councillors!
We understand that it is one that can be granted immediately as a form of permitted development so long as specified aspects of it are checked first. Here is the one for the offices above Iceland to be turned into residential accommodation, and we are in contact with the county’s transport control development team.
Sian Cutts
Change of use from office (Use Class B1(a)) to residential (Use Class C3) to provide 12 residential units. This application is for determination as to whether prior approval of the Council is required and, if required, whether it should be granted. This application is assessed solely in respect of transport and highway impacts and contamination and flooding risks.
108-110 London Road
Consultation deadline: 24/02/15
Headington Neighbourhood Forum meeting – save the date!
We are happy to promote the next meeting of the Headington Neighbourhood Forum. It will take place on Wed 10 February at 7.30pm – you can see details by clicking on 10th Feb 2015 HNF Poster
Please do come along and find out about the work residents are doing to create a draft Headington Neighbourhood Plan!
Don’t forget to check the Headington Plan website for the latest updates and information
Oxford Transport Strategy
The County Council will decide next Tuesday whether to release its draft Local Transport Plan 4 for public consultation. For those who would like to see the papers please click on this link and look for item 9
There has been a lot of interest in improving transport in Headington, and it came up as a significant issue in the responses to the neighbourhood plan issues and options consultation. Here is a brief guide to work so far.
The above papers are to get formal approval to consult on the Local Transport Plan 4. This is likely to start in February.
As part of LTP4 there is the emerging Oxford Transport Strategy (OTS). The focus of OTS is three areas: City Centre, North Oxford and Eastern Arc.
Headington is a part of the Eastern Arc Strategy and the Headington Transport Strategy baseline and consultation undertaken last year has fed into the strategy development. There is no longer a ‘Headington Transport Strategy’ per se.
OTS will be of interest to local residents as it sets out the county’s proposed strategy for the next 20 years and is more detailed in terms of bus routes, new P&R sites, cycle route proposals etc.
Access to Headington is a project looking at schemes that can be delivered to reduce congestion, and improve public transport and cycle access in particular.
Botnar trees: impact on neighbouring residents
The Botnar trees on the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre’s site boundary have not been trimmed back for some time, and we have been pressing for this to be carried out.
Management of the trees has passed to the University of Oxford. The University wants to consider replanting its boundary and is keen to consult residents about all alternative options.
We were advised that a consultation meeting would take place with residents in December, but this has been delayed pending confirmation that there is no extant condition attached to the original permission which specifies the species of trees that would be acceptable. If that’s the case, a fresh planning application varying conditions would need to be made and there would be further delay. We have put the University and Botnar manager in touch with the City Council’s Tree Officer whose advice is that they can go ahead and consider all options with residents, and we are pushing for an early consultation otherwise we shall be into bird nesting time again. We’ll keep you posted.
Revised plans for Latimer Road student flats
Frontier Estates have revised their plans for developing the site 36, 38, 40 London Road and 2 Latimer Road for student accommodation, and are mounting a Public Exhibition on Tuesday 27th January 2015 between 4 and 8 pm. Please note the venue is:
St Clement’s Family Centre, Cross Street, Oxford OX4 1DA.
(coming from Headington, Cross Street is the last road on the left down Morrell Avenue)
PLEASE NOTE A presentation from Oxford Brookes on the number of students living in Headington will form part of the Headington Ward Focus Meeting at Headington Baptist Church Hall, Old High Street from 6pm that same evening
Want to be a Police Control Room Operator?
Thames Valley Police are currently advertising for Control Room and Police Enquiry Centre Operators.
If you would be interested in attending an Open Event at Kidlington Enquiry Centre please send an email to
Role descriptions and application forms can be found here