Tuesday’s meeting will now take place in Headington Prep School from 6.00-7.30pm
New local plan for Oxford – please send in your views!
Oxford City Council is taking its first steps towards producing a new Local Plan for Oxford. The Oxford Local Plan 2036 will become the main planning policy document for Oxford. The Local Plan is important because it will shape how Oxford develops. It will set out how the city will look and feel, and guide new developments to the right locations whilst protecting and improving the environment and people’s quality of life.
This First Steps consultation offers the chance to give your opinion on the issues you think the Local Plan should address, and the ways it might address those issues.
Please click on the website www.oxford.gov.uk/localplan to see background papers on key issues, a sustainability appraisal scoping report and a consultation booklet that poses some questions.
You can also get a booklet and have the opportunity to raise questions with a planning policy officer at tomorrow’s Ward Focus Meeting
Tuesday 28 June
Headington Prep School main hall, London Road
We have asked an officer to come to the ward focus meeting so that Headington residents get the chance to learn more about the Local Plan and give their comments in the local area (community events at which the officers will engage with the public are in other parts of the City)
Latest planning decisions in Headington Ward
Replacement shop front.
112 London Road Headington
Formation of paved area in front garden and extension of existing dropped kerb.
52 Kennett Road Oxford
16/01144/FUL REFUSED
Erection of single storey rear extension.
64 Windmill Road Oxford
Access to Headington – financial costs
County Cllr Roz Smith sent in a question about costs to the Cabinet member for Transport. The answer to this question has been published on the County’s website, and is worded as follows.
Councillor Roz Smith
“Access to Headington project – a question about costs
Please could the Cabinet Member give further details on costs relating to the Project:
- expenditure to date on consultants/consultancy work
- approximate costs for the proposed raised pedestrian entry treatments recommended by officers
- approximate financial savings generated from changes to the original proposals made after consultation as per the officer’s report & recommendations
- approximate costs for the changes to the double mini-roundabouts and junctions in Headley Way, and the changes to the mini roundabout junction into the JR Hospital?”
Response by Cabinet Member for Environment
“The information you requested is set out below.
- Expenditure to date on consultants/consultancy work – £517,000
- Approximate costs for the proposed raised pedestrian entry treatments recommended by officers – £6,000 – £8,000 per treatment. Actual cost depends on the amount of drainage work required. Cost also includes traffic management.
- Approximate financial savings generated from changes to the original proposals made after consultation as per the officer’s report & recommendations – no savings have been made by changing theproposals; in fact there is an additional cost for the provision of the retaining wall on the western side of Headley Way which is estimated to cost £246,243. The additional costs will be funded from the existing project budget.
- Approximate costs for the changes to the double mini-roundabouts and junctions in Headley Way -£2.5m (including public realm improvements)
- Approximate costs to changes to the mini roundabout junction into the JR Hospital – £845,000
Costs may change as the detailed design process continues, but these are the latest estimates we have.”
Supplementary question from Councillor Roz Smith
“I note it’s estimated that for every £1 spent there would be a benefit of £3.50 but how would that be monitored and by who.”
Response by Cabinet Member
“Essentially there is a required minimum level of value for money which is part of the agreement for the scheme along with a requirement for before and after monitoring.”
Petition calling for a second EU referendum
We have been asked by a number of people for the website address where they can support the petition for a second EU referendum. Here it is:
What sort of city do you want Oxford to be by 2036?
At next Tuesday’s Ward Focus meeting, Richard Wyatt from the City Council will be asking our residents important questions about Oxford’s future, including:
- what sort of homes should be provided?
- are more student halls of residence needed? More homes for older people? More affordable homes for key workers?
- should blocks of housing be taller in order to provide a greater density of accommodation in some places?
Also at next week’s meeting, Rob Fowler from the Planning Department will come along to answer questions on the planning process relating to the latest energy pipe application, provided that application has been validated in time.
We shall also tackle hot topics like how to get parking permits, and whether Windmill Road should have a 20 MPH limit.
Headington School, London Road
Tuesday 28 June
6:00-7:30 pm
All welcome. And an Open Session too!
Police and Crime Commissioner public survey on policing and crime
PCC Anthony Stansfeld has launched a survey seeking feedback from residents of the Thames Valley on policing and crime. The results of the survey will help inform the next Police and Crime Plan which is due to be published before March 2017.
The survey is hosted on the PCC website www.thamesvalley-pcc.gov.uk/survey. It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and is open until 30 September 2016. Anyone who is either living or working in the Thames Valley is eligible to complete it.
The survey also seeks the views from victims of crime with the aim of improving the victims experience.
Hard copies of the survey are also available on request by contacting the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner on 01865 846780.
Telephone number for parking permit applications
Thanks to Stu for letting us know that a cheaper telephone number to use when applying for or renewing CPZ permits is 01865 815678 option 3
It works and it’s cheaper than the advertised number
Temporary prohibition of through traffic – affects Green Road roundabout
We have just been informed of the following by the County Council
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic
On the A40 Northern Bypass (South and North sides) – Oxford – adjacent to the Barton Park Development
UPDATE ON WORKS – June/July 2016 – Further ten overnight closures – 8.00pm to 6.00am to enable works to be completed
This Order was introduced for works in association with the construction of a temporary and then permanent access for the Barton Park development across the Marston bound (South) and the Headington bound (North) sides of the A40 Northern Bypass (the works) which are anticipated to take a further ten nights in June and July 2016 to complete.
The effect of the Order is to temporarily prohibit any vehicle proceeding in the length of the A40 Northern Bypass as described below.
Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed to indicate when the measures are in force.
A request was received from CABlackwell (Contracts) Ltd for a Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic to apply to a section of the A40 Northern Bypass.
A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) was made in March 2016 to implement the Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic as detailed below:
Location: A40 Northern bypass (South)
Closure Direction: Northwest -from the Headington Roundabout to the Marston Interchange
Five Overnight Closures:
27, 28, 29, 30 June, 1 July 2016 (ending 6.00am 2 July) 8.00pm to 6.00am
From the Headington Roundabout – For Northwest bound traffic
South on A4142 Eastern Bypass, Heyford Hill Roundabout, A423 Southern Bypass, Hinksey Hill Interchange, A34 Southern Bypass, Botley Interchange, A34 Western Bypass, Pear Tree Hill Interchange, A44 Woodstock Road, North Way, Elsfield Way, A40 Northern Bypass, Marston Interchange
The above overnight closures will happen during the overnight closures of Westbound A40 Elsfield Way, as part of the Northern Gateway Scheme; therefore there will be NO access to North Oxford, via the A40 Northern Bypass from the Marston Interchange. Access to the A40 from the Marston Interchange will be for Southeast bound traffic ONLY (towards Headington Roundabout and South Oxford). This will also be the diversion route for Northwest bound traffic.
Location: A40 Northern Bypass (North)
Closure Direction: Southeast – from the Marston Interchange to the Headington Roundabout
Five Overnight Closures:
4, 5, 6, 7, 8 July 2016 (ending 6.00am 9 July) 8.00pm to 6.00am
From the Marston Interchange – For Southeast bound traffic:
Northwest on A40 Northern Bypass, Elsfield Way, North Way. A44 Woodstock Road, Pear Tree Hill Interchange, A34 Western Bypass, Botley Interchange, A34 Southern Bypass, Hinksey Hill Interchange, A423 Southern Bypass, Heyford Hill Roundabout, A4142 Eastern Bypass, Headington Roundabout
The maximum duration of a TTRO on a road is 18 months and on a footpath is 6 months, or until completion of the works, whichever is the earlier.
Notice of intention to make the Order will be published in the Oxford Times.
Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles, subject to the progress of the works.
Latest planning news
Latest planning decisions
Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to House in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4).
3 Woodman Villas New High Street
Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extension and loft conversion with associated front and rear rooflights. (Retrospective) (Amended Plans)
182 Headley Way
Application to certify that the proposed erection of rear garden outbuilding for use as hobby space is lawful development.
46 Stapleton Road Oxford
Application to certify that the proposed formation of 1No. dormer window to rear roofslope is lawful development.
10 Margaret Road Oxford
Erection of building to create 1 x 1 bedroom and 2 x 2bedrooms flats (Use Class C3). Provision of private amenity space, car parking and bin and cycle store.
Land To The Rear Of 14 Sandfield Road
16/00425/FUL REFUSED
Both applications below affect a Conservation Area
Erection of a two storey rear extension and insertion of 1 No. rooflight, 1No. window and 1No. door to existing rear elevation. Erection of rear outbuilding for use as summer room.(amended plan)
Erection of a two storey rear extension. Alterations to existing fabric to insert of 1No. rooflight, 1No. window and 1No. door to existing rear elevation. Removal of existing internal staircase, infilling external windows to rear, and insertion of new internal door to access to bedroom and hall.(amended plan)
1 Larkins Lane Oxford