Is it safe to cycle on Headington roads?

David and I get lots of emails and phone calls from residents concerned about safety issues:

  • cyclists don’t feel safe because of buses
  • pedestrians say cyclists on pavements are a nuisance
  • elderly residents have “near misses” with cyclists
  • cyclists say Osler Road and the Windmill Road junctions are death traps
  • why do cyclists jump lights?
  • why don’t cyclists get fined for riding on pavements?
  • why do motorists cut up cyclists?
  • why aren’t there more ‘joined up’ cycle lanes?
  • Why isn’t there more training for cyclists?

If these questions and issues are of concern to you, then PLEASE come along to the North East Area Committee meeting on Tuesday 18 November at 6 p.m.   The venue is Sandhills School, Terret Avenue.  David and I have specifically requested that this item is debated openly. If you have a question you want to put to the County Council and City Council traffic planners, please please PLEASE come along to NEAC and tell us what you think!

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