Residents tell us they strongly oppose the huge car parking charge rises for the Headington and St Leonard’s Road car parks. The Neighbourhood Plan called for 30 minutes free parking with stepped charges thereafter.
Altaf set out your concerns at the last City Executive Board meeting but the Labour Group decided to retain the suggested proposals for the following tariffs:
£2:00 0-1 hours
£2:50 1-2 hours
This was discussed again at yesterday’s Council Budget meeting. The Lib Dem budget amendment included mitigation of the proposed charges, and Ruth spoke to this but the amendment was voted down by the Labour Group and the Green group abstained.
It was still possible to submit individual budget lines for debate, and we tried again – Altaf spoke in favour and Ruth summed up. This was for a budget line that would peg the increase to:
£1.70 0-1 hours
£2.20 1-2 hours
That budget line of £52K would be made up of savings to the car parks resurfacing budget for 2018-19.
Once again the single line amendment was voted down by the Labour Group.
Some comments were made about Waitrose shoppers by a Labour councillor which some people in the chamber found offensive. Independent Cllr Mick Haines spoke in favour of the Lib Dem amendment.
The car park charges coming into effect will be:
£2.00 0-1 hour
£2.50 1-2 hours
Signs will go up in the car parks in March/April alerting people to the changes and asking people to comment before the charge is increased.