Damage caused by delivery lorry in Stephen Road


On Tuesday morning, a PH delivery lorry damaged street tree branches and damaged the wall of Stephen Court. It parked on double yellow lines while the delivery was made to Tesco’s in London Road.

A resident kindly informed us straightaway and took some photos of the wall and the lorry.

We reported this to Tesco Customer Care and they put us on to the company which deals with the distribution side and principally whether distribution lorries are driven properly. They will contact the company concerned and get back to us with a progress report (nothing sent yet)

We reported it to the police on 101 but they said they wouldn’t note it unless it was a highway obstruction

We reported it to County Highways and City Trees Team. County routed it through to the out of hours City Council Highways team to make sure all loose bricks were off the highway and City Trees went down yesterday to assess how much damage had been caused. (not heard back yet)

We called in at Tesco in London Road today and updated the manager in case she received any enquiries.

We have contacted Breckon and Breckon who are acting as the agents for Stephen Court and have supplied them with the above details.

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