- Friday 15 July, Oxford Bus Company Airline Birmingham Beach Shoot, Gloucester Green, 10am to 2pm. Promotion of the new Airline Birmingham Service. www.oxfordbus.co.uk
- Saturday 16 July, Dancin’ Oxford Summer Festival, City Centre incl. Gloucester Green, 12pm to 4pm. www.dancinoxford.co.uk
- Saturday 16 July, Royal British Legion Honour Walk, Shotover Country Park, 10am to 5pm. Honour /sponsored walk in aid of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.www.britishlegion.co.uk
- Saturday 16 July, Rose Hill Summer Extravaganza, Rose Hill Community Centre and Recreation Ground, 12pm to 3pm. This free community event for local residents will include a variety of sports activities.
- Sunday 17 July, Free Flight Rallies, Port Meadow, 9am to 6pm. Model flying rallies – free flight. www.oxfordmodelflyingclub.org.uk
- Sunday 17 July, Headington Baptist Church Family Worship, Bury Knowle Park,10.30am to 12pm. Morning family service with worship songs, drama, children’s activity and talk. www.hbc-oxford.org.uk
- Sunday 17 July, Marston Neighbourhood Church BBQ, Milham Ford Nature Park, 4pm to 5.30pm. BBQ run by the local church with a public gospel talk, reading from the Bible and some small scale organised games. www.themnc.org
- Sunday 17 July, Oxford Youth Dance 30 year Celebration Picnic, Headington Hill Park, 12pm to 4pm. Bring and Share cold picnic event with pop up dance performances from Oxford Youth Dance/Crossover Intergenerational Company and acoustic band performance from Balloon Ascents (local band).www.oxfordyouthdance.blogspot.co.uk
- Wednesday 20 July, Classical performance by Kyla Lingley, Broad Street, 9am to 3pm. Classical singing performance in aid of Breast Cancer Now. www.kylalingley.com
- Saturday 23 July, Oxford Eid Extravaganza, Rose Hill Community Centre & Recreation Ground, 12 to 7 pm. Oxford’s 2nd Eid event is an opportunity for all families from all communities to come together to enjoy and celebrate Eid. There will be a range of fun activities, entertainment and stalls for all ages. www.facebook.com/events/855315687930182/?ti=icl
- Saturday 23 July, Run the Oxford Parks by Thames Valley Orienteering Club, Headington Hill Park, 10am to 1pm. Orienteering event around Headington Hill Park and parts of the Oxford Brookes Campus. www.tvoc.org.uk
- Saturday 23 July, Film under the Stars, Hinksey Park, 9am to 11pm. An outdoor screening of a family film. www.filmoxford.org
- Wednesday 27 to Friday 29 July, BelVita Breakfast Biscuits Sampling & Promotion, Broad Street, 7am to 12pm.
- Saturday 30 July, Film under the Stars, Bury Knowle Park, 9am to 11pm. An outdoor screening of a family film. www.filmoxford.org
- Saturday 30 July, Play and Activity Day, Grandpont / SOAP, 11am to 3pm. OPA’s Play & Activity Days offer a range of activities to promote Positive Behaviours and Activities, Physical Activity, Healthy Lifestyles and Active and Engaged Communities. www.oxonplay.org.uk
- Sunday 31 July, Oxford Beach Volleyball Courts Opening, Cutteslowe Park, 12pm to 4pm. To introduce the new beach volleyball courts to the community with exhibition games and interactive demonstrations for kids and adults to try out.http://www.oxfordvolleyball.co.uk/p/obvc.html