Anyone interested in the progress that has been made so far on the roundabouts and approaches at Cutteslowe and Wolvercote are invited to a drop-in event on 20 July 2016 at the Jury’s Inn, Wolvercote, between 11am and 6pm.
Progress so far
As you may have read in the Oxford Mail, or heard on BBC Oxford, work is now entering the final stages and the finish date has been brought forward from late- November to mid-October.
Members of the team will be on hand to talk through what has been done so far and what is still to be done.
Safety improvements
The County Council has looked again at the final layout of Cutteslowe roundabout and found a way to further improve its efficiency and safety. It now plans to include a separately signalled left turn lane from the Banbury Road for cars wanting to head down the A40 towards Headington.
The changes have no implications in terms of cost or the time it will take to complete the work but does bring a number of improvements on the previously proposed layout.
It is also reducing the approach on the A40 to Cutteslowe roundabout from the originally proposed 4 lanes to 3. This should improve safety on the roundabout and approaches without reducing the capacity of the junction because Council officers can then improve the signal arrangement on Banbury Road allowing more turning movements to happen simultaneously.