Here is the Westgate development reserved matters planning application
Demolition of southern part of Westgate Centre, 1-14 Abbey Place and multi-storey car park, retention of library, refurbishment of remainder of the existing Westgate Centre and construction of a retail-led mixed use development together providing A1 (retail), A2 (finance and professional services) and/or A3 (restaurants and cafes) and/or A4 (public house, etc.) and/or A5 (hot food takeaways) uses, C3 (residential) use and D2 (assembly and leisure) uses, public toilets, associated car and cycle parking, shopmobility facility, servicing and access arrangements together with alterations to the public highway (Reserved matters of outline planning permission 13/02557/OUT seeking permission for details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale).
Applications can viewed on the planning pages of the City Council’s website. Representations should be submitted in writing to Planning Control & Conservation, St Aldate’s Chambers, 109-113 St Aldate’s, Oxford OX1 1DS or website or email by 20th November 2014.