How much of your money is being underspent by Oxfordshire County Council?
Over eight million pounds!
Last week, Liberal Democrat Opposition Councillor Roz Smith, Spokesperson for Finance, raised questions about the huge amount of under spent monies at County Hall.
She said:
“We all knew that that there would be an underspend on budgets this year, but the figure of £8.41million needs to be questioned.
Oxfordshire taxpayers will surely want to know why, especially in these times of austerity, budgets are not beiing fully spent on children & young peoples services, adult care services and highway engineering.”
In their alternative budget proposals at the February council meeting, Liberal Democrats in Opposition planned to spend more in all of these areas, however, the reality is that cuts in these services continue to bring pressure on the organisation as they struggle to deliver vital services to the public.
Cllr. Roz Smith continued
“I will continue to monitor progress of these underspends and make sure that I bring them to the attention of the Conservative Cabinet members.”