Ideas for improving the play area have been suggested at local community workshops and from workshops at St Joseph’s school. One final open meeting will be held in the Sandfield Rd park play area on Sat 27 February from 10.00-11.00 (if the weather is bad, the meeting will adjourn to the St Antony of Padua Community Hall)
So if you want to have your say, please come and join us!
I suggest proper footpaths around the park and to the swings, if possible with a few seats, to enable parents with sick/injured children being taken into the park if allowed from the ward, for a welcome change of environment. Paths need to be smooth for ease of pushing wheelchairs and pushchairs, and not jarring the occupant. This is relevant to adult patients too, and mindful of their carers pushing wheelchairs.
I have experience of such a nearby park at the King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, when a grandson was severely injured and in hospital for many weeks.
Thank you. I’m happy to elaborate if it would help.
Is there a website to see the present plans and/or comments?
Thank you again
Elaine Parry
31 Purcell Road
Oxford OX3 0HB
01865 727329