A company from Swindon are leaflet dropping in the Oxfordshire area. They follow up with a knock on the door and explain they have a number of builders from the Swindon area looking for work. (Beware they are from Swindon however they give an address in Oxford) The trader will then quote a cheap price for anything from small jobs to a house extension. We have had a number of complaints and an expert is of the opinion that some of the work is of poor quality.
If you are unsure then Trading Standards advice is not to deal with anyone who cold-calls and to get several quotes and references. Oxfordshire County Council Trading Standards also have an approved list of traders in Oxfordshire. A list of traders can be obtained from Trading Standards calling 0845 051 0845 option 1 or 2
However if anybody leaflet drops and inform you they are from Swindon area and match the above scenario please contact Martin Woodley Doorstep Crime Team Leader for Thames Valley Police on 01865 815331.