That bin is finally on the move! Allegedly…

Bin on the move

Regular website viewers and ward focus meeting attenders will know that ward councillors have spent considerable amounts of time over a lengthy period trying to relocate the litter bin which is presently on the junction of London Road and Kennett Road.

New Headington residents exiting Kennett Road find that the bin obstructs their line of vision when they are trying to simultaneously avoid pedestrians crossing and attempt to pull out into London Road. We obtained an agreement from the County Council that there was evidence to support this and that the bin would be moved.

Time continued to pass with no action on this issue. Following our latest email declaring we would enlist the help of nearby residents and physically move the bin ourselves with full media coverage, it appears that an order for this work has finally been raised. Hooray!

The next question is where to put it. It seems to us that there are lots of litter bins in the central part of the shopping centre, but relatively few from Starbucks and the Royal Standard down to Dorset House. We are asking Street Cleaning operatives for their views – could you suggest a new and more effective site? We’d love to hear from you – either via the Comments button or by email

The bin will be taken away shortly and will be relocated when we’ve all agreed on the most effective location for it. But it’s a welcome start!!

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